[Neutron] Bath-ISIS PhD in neutron scattering on nanoparticle growth in deep eutectic solvents.

Karen Edler chske at bath.ac.uk
Fri Feb 15 14:59:56 CET 2019

Please circulate to anyone who might be interested.

A fully funded PhD studentship is available in the Edler group in the Department of Chemistry, University of Bath, starting Oct 2019, which will run in collaboration with the ISIS Spallation Neutron Source. The project aims to synthesize inorganic nanoparticles in new, green “deep eutectic solvents” and determine how these interesting solvents control particle growth and morphology using scattering experiments combined with modelling. The student will spend time working both at Bath in Prof Edler’s group and with Dr Daniel Bowron at the ISIS Facility. The project will also run alongside a larger EPSRC-funded project involving industrial partners, and collaborators at Cambridge and Strathclyde, to implement these reactions in flow, to facilitate uptake in commercial manufacturing processes. The funding will cover UK/EU fees, stipend & consumables for up to 4 years.

More details are available at:

If you are interested, and would like more details, please contact Prof Edler: Karen Edler <k.edler at bath.ac.uk<mailto:k.edler at bath.ac.uk>>


Department of Chemistry        k.edler at bath.ac.uk
University of Bath                      +44(0)1225384192
Claverton Down
Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
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