[Neutron] Registration deadline extended - CETS2019 Budapest, 5-10 May, 2019

Bottyán László bottyan.laszlo at wigner.mta.hu
Thu Feb 28 11:18:12 CET 2019

Apologies to those who receive this mail on different mailing lists. 

Dear Colleagues, dear students,  


will be held from 5 to 10 May, 2019 at the Budapest Neutron Centre [1],
Hungary. The annual Central European Training Schools are aimed at
master and PhD students, post-docs as well as young researchers who have
little or no experience in neutron techniques but are interested in
using them in their research projects. Following the introductory
lectures on the theory and on the different neutron techniques by local
experts (in two and a half days), participants may choose five of the
BNC instruments (listed below) to perform three hour hands-on practices
each under the tuition of the instrument scientists.  

Due to space limitations at the experimental stations, CETS2019 can only
accept 25 students. As of today, 21 applications have been accepted and
four are left. May you, your colleague or your student be interested,
please be encouraged to register and apply for participation at
http://www.bnc.hu/cets.  Participants will have the chance to display a
poster and to give a (5 min. 3 slide) flash presentation to highlight
their research project described in the poster.The preliminary program
is available at: http://www.bnc.hu/cets. 

Thanks to institutional support, no registration fee will be charged. A
few travel grants will be available for students from universities and
institutes of EU and EU-associated countries. 

Hands-on practices will be performed on instruments: 

SANS-YS [2] - Small Angle Neutron Scattering 

GINA [3] - Neutron reflectometry 

MTEST [4] / PSD [5] / TOF-ND [6] - Neutron diffraction 

PGAA [7] - Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis 

RAD [8] / NIPS [9] / NORMA [10] - Neutron imaging 

Organizers: Zoltán Dudás & János Füzi 

email: cets at bnc.hu 

[1] http://www.bnc.hu/
[2] http://www.bnc.hu/ys-sans
[3] http://www.bnc.hu/gina
[4] http://www.bnc.hu/mtest
[5] http://www.bnc.hu/psd
[6] http://www.bnc.hu/tof-nd
[7] http://www.bnc.hu/pgaa
[8] http://www.bnc.hu/rad
[9] http://www.bnc.hu/nips
[10] http://www.bnc.hu/norma
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