[Neutron] 4 - 7 June 2019: MLZ Conference "Neutrons for Information and Quantum Technologies"

mlz-conference-2019 at mlz-garching.de mlz-conference-2019 at mlz-garching.de
Fri Mar 1 14:07:19 CET 2019

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Dear Colleagues,

As announced earlier, this year's MLZ Conference is dedicated to 
*Neutrons for Information and Quantum Technologies*.

It is going to be held at the *Arabella Brauneck Hotel, Lenggries* not 
far from Munich, from *Tuesday, 4 *to*Friday, 7 June 2019.*

We wish to let you know that *early registration* and *abstract 
submission* are still open until*25 March* and we warmly invite 
contributions addressing  following topics:

  * Spin caloritronics
  * Molecular magnetism
  * New trends in spintronics (flexible, antiferromagnetic)
  * Novel rare-earth free permanent magnets
  * 2D magentic van der Waals materials
  * Spin wave and magnonics
  * Dynamics of magnetic textures: Domain walls, vortices and Skyrmions
  * Numerical simulations of quantum spin systems
  * Quantum theories of spin-structures and spin textures

For more detailed information, please refer to our conference web-site 

We look forward to your contributions and to your participation and we 
would be glad of you could circulate the announcement to colleagues who 
might be interested.

Thank you and best regards,

Peter Müller-Buschbaum and Stephan Förster

MLZ Conference 2019: Neutrons for Information and Quantum Technologies
4 - 7 June 2019, Arabella Brauneck Hotel, Lenggries, Germany

Prof. Dr. Peter Müller-Buschbaum, Prof. Dr. Stephan Förster

Local organizing team:
Robert Georgii, Yixi Su
Bjoern Pedersen, Elisabeth Joerg-Mueller
phone numbers: +49 89 289 -14986/-10714 /-14966

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Zentrum (MLZ)
Lichtenbergstraße 1
85748 Garching, Germany

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