[Neutron] Neutrons4Science in 7 languages - available for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android

Filhol Alain filhol at ill.eu
Tue May 21 15:20:40 CEST 2019

Neutrons4Science is back !       <www.ill.eu/neutrons4science <http://www.ill.eu/neutrons4science>>
The original version (2013) was recently obsoleted by OS changes and harsher web safety rules.
	It is now a standalone application for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android.
	It implements 7 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Chinese).

Please either search the App Store, Windows Store or Google Play or find the download links here: <www.ill.eu/neutrons4science <http://www.ill.eu/neutrons4science>>

You do not need to be a physicist to enjoy Neutrons4Science
With it you can :
 - perform a virtual TAS experiment on the neutron spectrometer ThALES
 - observe the main magnetic orders in crystals and create magnons
 - discover the gravitational spectrometer GRANIT which is based on neutron quantum states in a gravitational field.

TIP : rotate the cube of the 1st screen then click one of its face to access the various options of Neutrons4Science
WARNING : the user's experience is generally better on a computer screen or a tablet than on a smartphone

The authors:
   (ILL) Martin Boehm, Valery Nesvizhevsky, Alain Filhol, Yannick Raoul ; (ipter) Mathieu Ippersiel, Laurent Halter
   English: Susan Tinniswood; German: Roland May; Spanish: Miguel-Angel Gonzalez and Leidy Hoyos; Italiano: Lucia Capogna; Russian: Valery Nesvizhevsky, Chinese: Jinyan Liu
   ILL-SI, ILL-CS, ILL-Comm and LPSC.
Contact links:
  Remarks, comments, congratulations (?) to either <Neutrons4Science at gmail.com <mailto:Neutrons4Science at gmail.com>> or <filhol at ill.eu <mailto:filhol at ill.eu>>

Dr. Alain Filhol  (Computer scientist)
Institut Laue-Langevin, EPN Campus
CS 20156, 71 ave des Martyrs
F-38042 Grenoble cedex 9
<filhol at ill.eu>, Office: ILL4-217
Tel:+33, Fax: +33

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