[Neutron] Second Announcement: ESS and ILL user meeting - virtual event - Sept 23, 2020 - Sept 25, 2020

Andreas Schreyer Andreas.Schreyer at ess.eu
Sun Jun 21 14:10:03 CEST 2020

Dear colleague,

we were looking forward to welcome you in Lund for the second ESS and ILL European User Meeting but the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to modify our plans.

Instead the meeting will now take place as a digital conference on the originally planned dates, i.e. from Sept 23, 2020 to Sept 25, 2020.

We shall have a number of speakers on using neutron science to meet the societal challenges, exchange with the user community as well as reports on recent achievements and ongoing work at ESS and ILL.

Topical workshops – replacing the initially planned parallel sessions - will be organised shortly after the user meeting later in 2020.

More details will soon be made available on the web site at www.neutrons4europe.com.

On behalf of the directors of ESS and ILL

Andreas Schreyer


Prof. Dr. Andreas Schreyer
Director for Science

European Spallation Source ERIC
P.O. Box 176, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Visiting address: Odarslövsvägen 113, 224 84 Lund
Mobile:  +46 72 179 24 04
E-mail:    andreas.schreyer at ess.eu<mailto:andreas.schreyer at ess.eu>


Personal Assistant to Director for Science
Tina Nordqvist
Mobile: +46 721 79 22 52
E-mail: tina.nordqvist at ess.eu<mailto:tina.nordqvist at esss.se>


From: Andreas Schreyer <Andreas.Schreyer at ess.eu>
Date: Monday, 10 February 2020 at 17:05
To: IKON <IKON at ess.eu>, SFT Chemistry <SFTChemistry at ess.eu>, "SFT Engineering Materials, Geosciences, Archeology etc." <SFTEngMatGeo at ess.eu>, SFT Neutron Technology and Computational Science <SFTNTComp at ess.eu>, SFT Soft <SFTSoft at ess.eu>, SFTFundamental <SFTFundamentalPhysics at ess.eu>, "matic at chalmers.se" <matic at chalmers.se>, "andreas.ostermann at frm2.tum.de" <andreas.ostermann at frm2.tum.de>, "Andrew.Boothroyd at physics.ox.ac.uk" <Andrew.Boothroyd at physics.ox.ac.uk>, "andrew.j.richards at diamond.ac.uk" <andrew.j.richards at diamond.ac.uk>, "andy.church at stfc.ac.uk" <andy.church at stfc.ac.uk>, "asl at ansto.gov.au" <asl at ansto.gov.au>, "arnaud.desmedt at u-bordeaux.fr" <arnaud.desmedt at u-bordeaux.fr>, "Astrid.Schneidewind at frm2.tum.de" <Astrid.Schneidewind at frm2.tum.de>, "farago at ill.fr" <farago at ill.fr>, "bella.lake at helmholtz-berlin.de" <bella.lake at helmholtz-berlin.de>, "bernd.rech at helmholtz-berlin.de" <bernd.rech at helmholtz-berlin.de>, "frick at ill.fr" <frick at ill.fr>, "stirling at ill.fr" <stirling at ill.fr>, "bjorn.hauback at ife.no" <bjorn.hauback at ife.no>, "bo at chem.au.dk" <bo at chem.au.dk>, "borut.smodis at ijs.si" <borut.smodis at ijs.si>, "carina.dargel at uni-bielefeld.de" <carina.dargel at uni-bielefeld.de>, "c.pappas at tudelft.nl" <c.pappas at tudelft.nl>, dewhurst <dewhurst at ill.fr>, "christian.rueegg at psi.ch" <christian.rueegg at psi.ch>, "christian.rueegg at psi.ch" <christian.rueegg at psi.ch>, "christiane.alba-simionesco at cea.fr" <christiane.alba-simionesco at cea.fr>, "clemens at helmholtz-berlin.de" <clemens at helmholtz-berlin.de>, "dave.barlow at kcl.ac.uk" <dave.barlow at kcl.ac.uk>, "hessd at ill.fr" <hessd at ill.fr>, Derek Logan <derek.logan at biochemistry.lu.se>, "dirk.hasse at icm.uu.se" <dirk.hasse at icm.uu.se>, "elizabeth.blackburn at sljus.lu.se" <elizabeth.blackburn at sljus.lu.se>, "eric.eliot at cea.fr" <eric.eliot at cea.fr>, "ewa.rondio at ncbj.gov.pl" <ewa.rondio at ncbj.gov.pl>, "f.grazzi at ifac.cnr.it" <f.grazzi at ifac.cnr.it>, "fheinrich at cmu.edu" <fheinrich at cmu.edu>, "frank.schreiber at uni-tuebingen.de" <frank.schreiber at uni-tuebingen.de>, "few at tulane.edu" <few at tulane.edu>, Gareth Murphy <Gareth.Murphy at ess.eu>, "granrothge at ornl.gov" <granrothge at ornl.gov>, GREENE Geoffrey <ggreene at utk.edu>, Georg Ehlers <ehlersg at ornl.gov>, "gerhard.grobner at chem.umu.se" <gerhard.grobner at chem.umu.se>, "cico at ill.fr" <cico at ill.fr>, "fragneto at ill.fr" <fragneto at ill.fr>, "gregory.smith at nbi.ku.dk" <gregory.smith at nbi.ku.dk>, "gwenaelle.rousse at college-de-france.fr" <gwenaelle.rousse at college-de-france.fr>, Henrik Rønnow <henrik.ronnow at epfl.ch>, "hitendo at post.j-parc.jp" <hitendo at post.j-parc.jp>, "Ina.Lommatzsch at frm2.tum.de" <Ina.Lommatzsch at frm2.tum.de>, "jai at clri.res.in" <jai at clri.res.in>, "hrusak at kav.cas.cz" <hrusak at kav.cas.cz>, "jan.luning at helmholtz-berlin.de" <jan.luning at helmholtz-berlin.de>, Jan Saroun <saroun at ujf.cas.cz>, "jana.kolar at ceric-eric.eu" <jana.kolar at ceric-eric.eu>, "jane at fysik.dtu.dk" <jane at fysik.dtu.dk>, "jason.gardnerfinstp at gmail.com" <jason.gardnerfinstp at gmail.com>, "j.r.santisteban at gmail.com" <j.r.santisteban at gmail.com>, Jens Birch <jens.birch at liu.se>, "j.cabral at imperial.ac.uk" <j.cabral at imperial.ac.uk>, "johan.larsson at fkem1.lu.se" <johan.larsson at fkem1.lu.se>, "johanna.jonsson at academicwork.se" <johanna.jonsson at academicwork.se>, John Ankner <anknerjf at ornl.gov>, "john.helliwell at manchester.ac.uk" <john.helliwell at manchester.ac.uk>, "jon.hughes at uni-giessen.de" <jon.hughes at uni-giessen.de>, "jonathan.white at psi.ch" <jonathan.white at psi.ch>, "jorg.pieper at ut.ee" <jorg.pieper at ut.ee>, "Juan.colmenero at ehu.es" <Juan.colmenero at ehu.es>, "manuel.orozco at biol.lu.se" <manuel.orozco at biol.lu.se>, "juergen.neuhaus at frm2.tum.de" <juergen.neuhaus at frm2.tum.de>, "k.edler at bath.ac.uk" <k.edler at bath.ac.uk>, "pagekl at ornl.gov" <pagekl at ornl.gov>, "k.thompson at bbk.ac.uk" <k.thompson at bbk.ac.uk>, "kathryn.browning at sund.ku.dk" <kathryn.browning at sund.ku.dk>, "kell at nbi.ku.dk" <kell at nbi.ku.dk>, "K.Morrison at lboro.ac.uk" <K.Morrison at lboro.ac.uk>, "Kenneth.knudsen at ife.no" <Kenneth.knudsen at ife.no>, Kim Lefmann <lefmann at nbi.ku.dk>, KIRCH Klaus <klaus.kirch at psi.ch>, "l.vaneijck at tudelft.nl" <l.vaneijck at tudelft.nl>, Leif Eriksson <leif.eriksson at vr.se>, "luku at dtu.dk" <luku at dtu.dk>, "rheinsm at mcmaster.ca" <rheinsm at mcmaster.ca>, "m.angst at fz-juelich.de" <m.angst at fz-juelich.de>, "marek.bartkowiak at psi.ch" <marek.bartkowiak at psi.ch>, "marie.plazanet at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr" <marie.plazanet at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>, "mario.villa at tuwien.ac.at" <mario.villa at tuwien.ac.at>, Márton Markó <marko.marton at wigner.mta.hu>, "martin.hogbom at dbb.su.se" <martin.hogbom at dbb.su.se>, "martin.mueller at hzg.de" <martin.mueller at hzg.de>, condmat <condmat at kth.se>, "marvin.seibert at icm.uu.se" <marvin.seibert at icm.uu.se>, "blakeleym at ill.fr" <blakeleym at ill.fr>, "michael.gradzielski at tu-berlin.de" <michael.gradzielski at tu-berlin.de>, "Michael.Preuss at manchester.ac.uk" <Michael.Preuss at manchester.ac.uk>, "m.weir at sheffield.ac.uk" <m.weir at sheffield.ac.uk>, "m.cianci at univpm.it" <m.cianci at univpm.it>, "everettsm at ornl.gov" <everettsm at ornl.gov>, "fitzsimmonsm at ornl.gov" <fitzsimmonsm at ornl.gov>, SNOW William <wsnow at indiana.edu>, Mogens Christensen <mch at chem.au.dk>, "monika.spano at ibs.fr" <monika.spano at ibs.fr>, Morten Jagd Christensen <Morten.Christensen at ess.eu>, "muhammad.arif at nist.gov" <muhammad.arif at nist.gov>, Niels-Bech Christensen <nbch at fysik.dtu.dk>, Niklas Ottosson <niklas.ottosson at vr.se>, "kardjilov at helmholtz-berlin.de" <kardjilov at helmholtz-berlin.de>, "nobuo.niimura.n at vc.ibaraki.ac.jp" <nobuo.niimura.n at vc.ibaraki.ac.jp>, "oksana.zaharko at psi.ch" <oksana.zaharko at psi.ch>, Oliver Bogojevic <Oliver.Bogojevic at ess.eu>, "oskar.aurelius at dbb.su.se" <oskar.aurelius at dbb.su.se>, "mutti at ill.fr" <mutti at ill.fr>, "pascal.manuel at stfc.ac.uk" <pascal.manuel at stfc.ac.uk>, "j.p.attfield" <j.p.attfield at ed.ac.uk>, Pedro Gonzalez <pgonzalez at essbilbao.org>, "peter.albers at evonik.com" <peter.albers at evonik.com>, "falus at ill.eu" <falus at ill.eu>, GELTENBORT Peter <geltenbort at ill.fr>, "phx at ansto.gov.au" <phx at ansto.gov.au>, "muellerb at ph.tum.de" <muellerb at ph.tum.de>, Petr Lukas <lukas at ujf.cas.cz>, "petri.kursula at uib.no" <petri.kursula at uib.no>, "pal.stenmark at med.lu.se" <pal.stenmark at med.lu.se>, "regine.willumeit at hzg.de" <regine.willumeit at hzg.de>, "reinhard.neder at fau.de" <reinhard.neder at fau.de>, "drons at HAL9000.ac.rwth-aachen.de" <drons at HAL9000.ac.rwth-aachen.de>, "R.Barker at kent.ac.uk" <R.Barker at kent.ac.uk>, "robert.bewley" <robert.bewley at stfc.ac.uk>, "cubitt at ill.fr" <cubitt at ill.fr>, "robert.jacobs at chem.ox.ac.uk" <robert.jacobs at chem.ox.ac.uk>, Robert McGreevy <Robert.mcgreevy at stfc.ac.uk>, "pynn at mrl.ucsb.edu" <pynn at mrl.ucsb.edu>, "ron.smith at stfc.ac.uk" <ron.smith at stfc.ac.uk>, "rosta.laszlo" <rosta.laszlo at wigner.mta.hu>, "ryan.oliver at biochemistry.lu.se" <ryan.oliver at biochemistry.lu.se>, "sabrina.disch at uni-koeln.de" <sabrina.disch at uni-koeln.de>, "salla.ruskamo at oulu.fi" <salla.ruskamo at oulu.fi>, "sean.langridge at stfc.ac.uk" <sean.langridge at stfc.ac.uk>, "simeon.minic at cea.fr" <simeon.minic at cea.fr>, "sine at chem.ku.dk" <sine at chem.ku.dk>, "stefan.carlson at maxiv.lu.se" <stefan.carlson at maxiv.lu.se>, "Stefan.Klotz at impmc.jussieu.fr" <Stefan.Klotz at impmc.jussieu.fr>, "stefano.deledda at ife.no" <stefano.deledda at ife.no>, "s.foerster at fz-juelich.de" <s.foerster at fz-juelich.de>, Stéphane Longeville <Stephane.longeville at cea.fr>, "stephen.hull at stfc.ac.uk" <stephen.hull at stfc.ac.uk>, Stuart Campbell <scampbell at bnl.gov>, "stuart at bpi.cam.ac.uk" <stuart at bpi.cam.ac.uk>, "svennito at gmail.com" <svennito at gmail.com>, Brueckel <t.brueckel at fz-juelich.de>, "thomas.hellweg at uni-bielefeld.de" <thomas.hellweg at uni-bielefeld.de>, "Thomas.Keller at fkf.mpg.de" <Thomas.Keller at fkf.mpg.de>, "ramirezcueaj at ornl.gov" <ramirezcueaj at ornl.gov>, "toby.perring at stfc.ac.uk" <toby.perring at stfc.ac.uk>, "tom.fennell" <tom.fennell at psi.ch>, "ulf.karlsson at liu.se" <ulf.karlsson at liu.se>, NESVIZHEVSKY Valery <nesvizhevsky at ill.eu>, "victoria.garcia-sakai at stfc.ac.uk" <victoria.garcia-sakai at stfc.ac.uk>, Kelpsas Vinardas <vinardas.kelpsas at biol.lu.se>, "hellerwt at ornl.gov" <hellerwt at ornl.gov>, Winfried Kockelmann <winfried.kockelmann at stfc.ac.uk>, "yamali.hernandez at nist.gov" <yamali.hernandez at nist.gov>, "yannis at athena-innovation.gr" <yannis at athena-innovation.gr>, "yannisp at ipta.demokritos.gr" <yannisp at ipta.demokritos.gr>, "neutron at neutronsources.org" <neutron at neutronsources.org>
Subject: First Announcement and Save the Date: ESS and ILL European Users Meeting: 23.-25.09.2020

Dear Colleague,
In 2018 ILL and ESS hosted their first European Users Meeting in Grenoble. This successful meeting provided the opportunity to review the achievements of the user community, present the current status of ILL and ESS and most importantly to look forward to the scientific opportunities ahead for neutron science.
The future of neutron scattering is bright, but both the facilities and the community of users must take a proactive and strategic approach to navigating and managing the changing availability of neutron instruments in a holistic way, in order to ensure the sustainability and vitality of this important research technique.
As the two European neutron sources, we would therefore like to invite you to the
ESS and ILL European Users Meeting
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
(beginning 09:00)
Friday, 25 September 2020
(end 13:00)
in Lund, Sweden
We shall have a number of plenary speakers on using neutron science to meet societal challenges, as well as reports on recent achievements and ongoing work at ESS and ILL. There will be focussed parallel sessions, which will allow participants to delve deeper into specific areas of neutron science.
For the time being, we should like you to put these dates in your diary. More details on the meeting will be given in a second circular and on the web site at www.neutrons4europe.com<http://www.neutrons4europe.com>.
Please be so kind to forward this message to whomever you think might be interested and please be so kind to post the attached poster in your organization.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Lund in September!
On behalf of the directors of ESS and ILL

Andreas Schreyer

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schreyer
Director for Science

European Spallation Source ESS ERIC
P.O Box 176, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Visiting address:ESS, Odarslövsvägen 113,22484 Lund
Mobile: +46 72 179 24 04
Phone: +46 46 888 34 04
E-mail: <mailto:andreas.schreyer at esss.se> andreas.schreyer at esss.se<mailto:andreas.schreyer at esss.se>


Personal Assistant to Director for Science
Tina Nordqvist
Phone: +46 46 888 32 52 / Mobile: +46 72 179 22 52
E-mail: tina.nordqvist at esss.se<mailto:tina.nordqvist at esss.se>

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