2020 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Jan 7 06:53:57 CET 2020
Ending: Thu Dec 31 17:35:54 CET 2020
Messages: 225
- [Neutron] Team Leader / Data acquisition electronics engineer @ ANSTO Sydney, Australia [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Job posting at China Spallation Neutron Source: Instrument Scientist and Postdoc researcher
- [Neutron] ESS DEMAX Second Pilot Call for Proposals
Carina Lobley
- [Neutron] FW: IOP Magnetism 2020 Meeting send out on the ISIS users email list
Christy Kinane - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Job Posting : Postdoctoral Research Associate in Total Scattering and Machine Learning
Olds, Daniel
- [Neutron] µSR2020 : Parma, Italy : 6 - 10th July, 2020
Mark Telling - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] 16 - 19 June 2020: MLZ Conference 2020 “ Neutrons for Life Sciences” – Registration and abstract submission open now!
mlz-conference-2020 at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Job Posting: Scientific Research Proposal Coordinator at ORNL
Thomson, Janell
- [Neutron] 2020 US National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering now accepting applications
Rosenkranz, Stephan
- [Neutron] 9th International Conference on Neutron Radiography: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS
Gabriela Aurelio
- [Neutron] 2020 US National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering soliciting applications
Rosenkranz, Stephan
- [Neutron] Symposium in honour of Isabelle Grillo, 11 - 13 March 2020 in Grenoble, France - Call for registration and abstracts
Alison Cross
- [Neutron] Job Posting : Postdoctoral Research Associate in Total Scattering and Machine Learning
Campbell, Stuart
- [Neutron] McStas 2.6 release
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] Announcing the 2020 NCNR/CHRNS Summer School on Neutron Scattering
Dura, Joseph A. (Fed)
- [Neutron] Reminder - SINQ call for proposals - deadline on January 31
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Job Posting : Postdoctoral Research Associate in Total Scattering and Machine Learning (reposting)
Campbell, Stuart
- [Neutron] Announcement: CERIC call for proposals now open!
Nicoletta Carboni
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 20/07)
Chloe Mangione
- [Neutron] Next deadline for beamtime at JCNS instruments at ILL: March 03rd, 2020
useroffice at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Last call: EPDIC conference, Croatia, 26-20 May 2020
Gwilherm Nenert
- [Neutron] Bombannes Summer School on Scattering 2020 - 3rd and last call
Reiner Zorn
- [Neutron] Magnetic-structure sessions at the IUCr Congress in Prague (22-30 August 2020)
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 77
- [Neutron] 24th JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering: August 31 - September 11, 2020
Reiner Zorn
- [Neutron] MLZ calls for proposals: Next deadline March 27th!
useroffice at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Only week left to submit your abstracts for EPDIC17
Gwilherm Nenert
- [Neutron] NDRA2020 4th Summer School on Neutron Detectors and Related Applications
Lina Quintieri - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] First Announcement and Save the Date: ESS and ILL European Users Meeting: 23.-25.09.2020
Andreas Schreyer
- [Neutron] Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: 16 March 2020 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] 16 - 19 June 2020: MLZ Conference 2020 “ Neutrons for Life Sciences” – Abstract submission open until 29 February 2020
mlz-conference-2020 at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] New 3D-printing filament with neutron shielding capabilities
Adam Engberg
- [Neutron] Neutrons in the Environment and Life Sciences Workshop - HANDS 2020
Meilleur, Flora
- [Neutron] Vacancy for an Assistant Project Manager at ILL - (ref 20/09)
- [Neutron] Submit your abstracts for ACNS 2020
- [Neutron] Advert posting from European Spallation Source
Tina Nilsson
- [Neutron] ORNL / Job Posting: Second Target Station (STS) Instrument Systems Science and Technology Manager
Johnson, Nicia
- [Neutron] 16 - 19 June 2020: MLZ Conference 2020 “ Neutrons for Life Sciences” – Abstract submission deadline extended to 13 March 2020
mlz-conference-2020 at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] McStas 3.0beta technology preview available!
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] Workshop on Perspectives and Applications of Deep Learning for Accelerated Scientific Discovery in Physics - The Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark on 14-15 May 2020
Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
- [Neutron] MLZ calls for proposals: Next deadline one month to go - March 27th!
useroffice at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] CSNS Job Posting: Neutron Scattering Software Developer
Xiao-Xiao Cai
- [Neutron] MLZ calls for Rapid Access proposals - Deadline March 27th, 2020
useroffice at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] 725. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on magnetic SANS - 07-11 June 2020, Bad Honnef
Sabrina Disch
- [Neutron] Reminder: Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: 16 March 2020 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] IFF Spring School 2020 "Quantum Technology": Postponed to 01 - 12 March 2021
- [Neutron] SANS postdoc position at Lund University, Sweden
Alex Evilevitch
- [Neutron] Quantum Beam Science at the Swiss Physical Society Annual Meeting, 29 June - 3 July 2020 in Fribourg
Ellen Fogh
- [Neutron] 16 - 19 June 2020: MLZ Conference 2020 “Neutrons for Life Sciences” – Abstract submission deadline expiring on 13 March
mlz-conference-2020 at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Final Call for Abstracts for SXNS16
Thomas Arnold
- [Neutron] Job opening at Synchrotron SOLEIL, Paris: Engineer in scientific computing systems
FARHI Emmanuel
- [Neutron] open PhD position at TU Wien
- [Neutron] Job openings
Amitesh PAUL
- [Neutron] Farewell to Jack Carpenter
- [Neutron] REMINDER: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - 9th ITMNR, Buenos Aires
Gabriela Aurelio
- [Neutron] Call for Abstracts for PNCMI 2020, Polarized Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigations, July 2020, Annapolis, Maryland, USA
Chen, Wangchun (Fed)
- [Neutron] Call for Applications for the Polarized Neutron School, July 2020, Gaithersburg, NIST
Chen, Wangchun (Fed)
- [Neutron] Jack Carpenter
Iverson, Erik B.
- [Neutron] Registration and Call for Abstracts
- [Neutron] PhD positions, supported by ESRF and ILL
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral and PhD student positions in neutron scattering on energy relevant materials
Maths Karlsson
- [Neutron] Senior lecturer in molecular imaging
Alex Evilevitch
- [Neutron] MLZ calls for proposals: Next deadline five days to go - March 27th!
useroffice at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] MLZ calls for Rapid Access proposals - Deadline March 27th, 2020
useroffice at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Vacant position at ESS: Group Leader for Sample Environment
Tina Nilsson
- [Neutron] ORNL Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Team Leader, Neutron Optics and Instruments Development
Cherry, Steve J.
- [Neutron] ORNL Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Second Target Station Control Systems Engineer
Cherry, Steve J.
- [Neutron] ITMNR-9, Buenos Aires: UPDATED calendar
Gabriela Aurelio
- [Neutron] MLZ offers rapid access for research on coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
useroffice at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] ORNL Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Instrument Data Acquisition and Controls Group Leader
Cherry, Steve J.
- [Neutron] Rapid Access for COVID-19 Research at ORNL neutron sources
Thomson, Janell
- [Neutron] REMINDER: Announcing the 2020 NCNR/CHRNS Summer School on Neutron Scattering
Dura, Joseph A. (Fed)
- [Neutron] Announcing the PSI Summer Camp 2020: Topology and Condensed Matter
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] MLZ Conference 2020 "Neutrons for Life Sciences" postponed to 2021
MLZ Conference: Neutrons for Life Sciences
- [Neutron] The 2020 NCNR/CHRNS Summer School on Neutron Scattering -Postponed
Dura, Joseph A. (Fed)
- [Neutron] PNCMI 2020 is postponed
Andersen, Ken
- [Neutron] Users of Australian Neutron Beamlines - Sign Up to the New ANBUG Membership System Today
Andrew Clulow
- [Neutron] ITMNR-9, Buenos Aires 2020: POSTPONED
Gabriela Aurelio
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral job advert: Lubrication at interfaces using neutron reflectometry
Becky Welbourn - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] ISIS Instrument Scientist Position in Molecular Spectroscopy
Victoria Garcia Sakai - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Research Software positions available at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Peterson, Peter
- [Neutron] BNC call for Science Proposals - deadline May 17, 2020
Bottyán László
- [Neutron] McStas 2.6.1 update-release
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] Online Course on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology
Meilleur, Flora
- [Neutron] Friday: lecture by Prof. Dobbins on the study of hydrogen dynamics in nanoconfined hydrates
Pauw, Brian Richard
- [Neutron] ORNL Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Neutron Scattering and Quantum Materials
Cherry, Steve J.
- [Neutron] New job at MLZ: instrument scientist RESEDA (m/w/d)
Voit, Andrea
- [Neutron] New job at MLZ: instrument scientist RESEDA (m/w/d)
presse at frm2.tu-muenchen.de
- [Neutron] Australian Neutron Beam User Group (ANBUG) membership [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
WOOD, Kathleen
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 20/23)
Chloe Mangione
- [Neutron] Enter the Smoky Mountains Data Challenge
Peterson, Peter
- [Neutron] UK ILL Director post
Philip King - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a Head of IT service at ILL - (ref 20/22)
Chloe Mangione
- [Neutron] ACNS 2020 will be held online: July 12-16
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 20/24 and 20/25)
- [Neutron] ORNL Job Posting: Project Lead for Software Engineering for Neutron Sciences
Doucet, Mathieu
- [Neutron] MLZ job offer - Installation Project Manager for ESS (m/f/d)
Voit, Andrea
- [Neutron] MLZ Conference "Neutrons for Life Sciences" - postponed to 8 - 11 June 2021
MLZ Conference 2021"Neutrons for Life Sciences"
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 78
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 20/27)
- [Neutron] Neutrons Job Posting: STS Instrument Systems Neutron Optics and Modeling Scientist
Johnson, Nicia
- [Neutron] Invitation to first LENS webinar Thursday 11th June 11.30am CET: - Global Health Threats: Viruses
Hanna Wacklin-Knecht
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Fellow position in neutron instrumentation/detection at Queen’s University, Canada
Levente Balogh
- [Neutron] Marie-Curie Post-doc in Soft Matter at the Institut Laue-Langevin
- [Neutron] ORNL Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Process Controls Engineer - Target
Cherry, Steve J.
- [Neutron] Vacancies for SCIENTIST positions at ILL - (ref 20/28 and 20/29)
Chloe Mangione
- [Neutron] Open Position: Instrument Scientist ESTIA Project (PSI/ESS)
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] MLZ is looking for Data Analysis Software Developer / Postdoc – Machine learning/Artificial Intelligence
Marina Ganeva
- [Neutron] Second Announcement: ESS and ILL user meeting - virtual event - Sept 23, 2020 - Sept 25, 2020
Andreas Schreyer
- [Neutron] LENS Webinar #2: New Directions in Instrumentation
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] CSNS Job posting: Instrument scientist and postdoc researcher in high-resolution neutron powder diffractometer
- [Neutron] Data Streaming Software Engineer - European Spallation Source ESS
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] Data Curation Scientist
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] Control System Engineer - European Spallation Source
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] Electrical Compliance Officer - European Spallation Source ESS
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] Data Acquisition Scientist or Data Acquisition Software Engineer
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] Instrument Scientist for Estia - ESS in collaboration with LNS at PSI
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] Vacant position at ESS: Radiation Transport Scientist
Tina Nilsson
- [Neutron] MLZ User Meeting 2020 will take place!
um-2020-dn at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] C++ developer for world-leading science - ESS
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] Instrument data scientist for neutron reflectometry and large-scale structures
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] ILL - NEW DEADLINE for a Post-Doctoral position at the ILL - Ref 20/25
- [Neutron] Instrument data scientist for neutron spectroscopy
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] Third announcement - digital ESS and ILL user meeting - registration open - Sept 23-25, 2020
Andreas Schreyer
- [Neutron] Vacant professorship in magnetism and neutron scattering at University of Copenhagen
Kim Lefmann
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a Scientific Instrumentation Technician at ILL - (ref 20/34)
- [Neutron] Next deadline for beamtime at JCNS instruments at ILL: September 30th, 2020
useroffice at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] ORNL Neutron Sciences Leadership Postings - Neutron Technologies Division (NTD)
Cherry, Steve J.
- [Neutron] QMI/ORNL Workshop "Neutrons and Complimentary Techniques for Quantum Materials", August 11-14, 2020
Dela Cruz, Clarina R.
- [Neutron] MLZ User Meeting 2020: Two weeks to go to submit abstracts!
um-2020-dn at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] ORNL Neutron Sciences Leadership Postings - Research Accelerator Division (RAD)
Cherry, Steve J.
- [Neutron] UK Neutron Scattering Group Early Career Meeting 25-26/08
Mccluskey, Andrew (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
- [Neutron] ORNL Neutron Sciences Job Posting: SANS Instrument Development Scientist
Cherry, Steve J.
- [Neutron] Special Issue "Impact of Lattice Vibrations on Diffusion in Solids"
Fanni Juranyi
- [Neutron] MLZ User Meeting 2020: One week to go to submit abstracts!
um-2020-dn at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 20/28)
Chloe Mangione
- [Neutron] Job posting: diffraction analysis software developers at RAL, UK
David Waterman - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] International Conference_ CMR at IBR2_ 2020_October 12_16
cmr at nf.jinr.ru
- [Neutron] ORNL Neutron Sciences Leadership Postings
Cherry, Steve J.
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 79
- [Neutron] MLZ User Meeting 2020: Abstract deadline extended!
um-2020-dn at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Job posting: diffraction analysis software developers at RAL, UK
David Waterman - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Polarised Neutron Reflectometry Instrument Scientist Job Posting [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]
HOLT, Stephen
- [Neutron] MLZ User Meeting 2020: Last week for abstract submission for the MLZ User Meeting 2020
um-2020-dn at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Reopening of registration of the PSI Summer Camp 2020: Topology and Condensed Matter
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Neutrons Job Posting: STS Diffraction Instrument Development Scientist
Johnson, Nicia
- [Neutron] Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: 15 September 2020 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Neutrons Job Posting: STS Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument Development Scientist
Lane, Amy Michelle
- [Neutron] Neutrons Job Posting: STS Reflectometer Instrument Development Scientist
Lane, Amy Michelle
- [Neutron] Neutrons Job Posting: STS Neutron Detector Scientist
Lane, Amy Michelle
- [Neutron] NCrystal 2.0.0 release
Thomas Kittelmann
- [Neutron] LENS Webinars on New Directions in Instrumentation - Polarized Neutron Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Reminder - digital ESS and ILL user meeting - registration open - Sept 23-25, 2020
Andreas Schreyer
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Large-Scale Structures
Shuo Qian
- [Neutron] Job posting - Neutron Diffraction Instrument Scientist
László Bottyán
- [Neutron] Next deadline for beamtime at JCNS instruments at ILL: September 30th, 2020
useroffice at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] PSI-FELLOW-III-3i: Call for applications
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Reminder: Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: 15 September 2020 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Reminder - digital ESS and ILL user meeting - registration open - Sept 23-25, 2020
Andreas Schreyer
- [Neutron] You are invited - LENS Webinar 10th September 11.00am CET - Global Health Threats: Cancer-Research
Hanna Wacklin-Knecht
- [Neutron] You are invited - LENS Webinar Thursday 10th September 11.00am CET - Global Health Threats: Cancer-Research
Hanna Wacklin-Knecht
- [Neutron] Job posting: PostDoc - Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud at European Spallation Source
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] ORNL 2021-A neutron scattering proposal call: HFIR newsletter for quantum materials users
Aczel, Adam
- [Neutron] Next deadline for beamtime at JCNS instruments at ILL: September 30th, 2020
useroffice at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Final Circular - digital ESS and ILL user meeting - Sept 23-25, 2020
Andreas Schreyer
- [Neutron] ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy User Group Meeting, MSSM2020, 28 & 29 October 2020
Cavaye, Hamish (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
- [Neutron] Digital ESS and ILL user meeting - Sept 23-25, 2020: YouTube links for those who have not registered
Andreas Schreyer
- [Neutron] Next deadline for beamtime at JCNS instruments at ILL: September 30th, 2020
useroffice at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Job offer at Synchrotron Soleil: Python/C++ programmer (12 months)
FARHI Emmanuel
- [Neutron] PhD position at TU WIEN, Vienna, Austria
Schneider, Stephan
- [Neutron] CNL's First Virtual Neutron Scattering School from November 30 – December 4, 2020
Yamani, Zahra
- [Neutron] Invitation to LENS webinar #5 - Thursday 8 Oct at 11.00am | Microbial resistance and novel antibiotics
Steph Monfront
- [Neutron] MLZ User Meeting & DN2020: Registration ends on Oct 25th!
um-2020-dn at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Job posting: Mechanical Engineer at European Spallation Source ERIC
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] Job posting: Section Leader for Detector Production
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] Job posting: Detector Electronics physicist/engineer
Karin Vandenborre
- [Neutron] Czech-Bavarian mini-school for large scale facilities and open data
Johanna Jochum
- [Neutron] SINQ - call for proposals I/21 - submission deadline: November 15, 2020
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Announcing the 26th NCNR / CHRNS School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectivity
Dura, Joseph A. (Fed)
- [Neutron] CHRNS Call for Proposals
Hernandez, Yamali (Fed)
- [Neutron] LENS Webinar #6, New Directions in Instrumentation - Thursday, Oct 22, 11:00 CEST
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a RESEARCH ENGINEER at ILL - (ref 20/52)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Hong Kong PhD Fellowship
Prof. WANG Xun-Li
- [Neutron] New Patch Release of Mantid: 5.1.1
Gigg, Martyn (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
- [Neutron] Permanent Positions in Neutron Science -- MCall for Expressions of Interest
Neutron CFM
- [Neutron] LNS at PSI is looking for a Group Leader "Soft Matter"
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Save the date and register ► Photon and Neutron EOSC Symposium AND PaNOSC & ExPaNDS Annual Meeting
Nicoletta Carboni
- [Neutron] Inauguration of the Joint Research Unit NI-Matters | Webinar on neutron imaging at the ILL
Steph Monfront
- [Neutron] Second Circular: nEDM2021 at the École de Physique des Houches (February 14-19, 2021)
Skyler Degenkolb
- [Neutron] CHRNS Call for Proposals
Hernandez, Yamali (Fed)
- [Neutron] Friendly reminder: SINQ - call for proposals I/21 - submission deadline: November 16, 2020
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Announcement: UCANS-WEB virtual conference Information, Nov. 30 - Dec. 3. 2020
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Kind reminder --TOMORROW @ 3pm CET -- Inauguration of the Joint Research Unit NI-Matters | Webinar on neutron imaging at the ILL
Steph Monfront
- [Neutron] MLZ User Meeting and DN2020: Registration deadline AHEAD!
um-2020-dn at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Job advert: ISIS and CLF User Programme Manager
King, Philip (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
- [Neutron] Associate/Full Professor in Neutron Scattering for Quantum Materials and Assistant Professor in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics at University of Tennessee
Page, Katharine
- [Neutron] Job Opening: Three Post-Doctoral Researchers on Quantum Magnetism Studies using Neutron and X-ray Scattering
Sungkyun Choi
- [Neutron] Special Issue: Recent Advances in Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Sebastian Jaksch
- [Neutron] US Muon Workshop - February 1-2, 2021
MacDougall, Gregory
- [Neutron] Duke Materials Initiative Online Workshop / December 7-8, 2020
Sara Haravifard, Ph.D.
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 80
- [Neutron] Friendly reminder: LENS webinar #7 - Thursday 26 Nov 11:00 am - Multiplexing backends for neutron spectroscopy
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Photon and Neutron EOSC Symposium and PaNOSC & ExPaNDS annual meeting: an Overview
Nicoletta Carboni
- [Neutron] Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for Materials Research - TMS Webinar Series - DEC 2020
Klaus-Dieter Liss - Technion
- [Neutron] User Programme Manager
King, Philip (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
- [Neutron] McStas 2.7 release
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] Open PhD position @ TU Dresden, Germany
Dmytro Inosov
- [Neutron] Registration OPEN! US Muon Workshop 2021: A Road Map for a Future Muon Facility, February 1-2, 2021
MacDougall, Gregory
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral position in Neutron scattering, Uppsala University
- [Neutron] ESS-ILL Satellite Meeting on Atomic-scale simulations in neutron scattering
Miguel Angel Gonzalez
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 20/64)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] open PhD positions at China Spallation Neutron Source
Xin Tong (Tony)
- [Neutron] open Postdoc positions
Xin Tong (Tony)
- [Neutron] PhD student position in Characterisation of Self-Assembled Nanoparticles using Neutron scattering and Magnetic Measurements, Uppsala University
- [Neutron] PhD student position in Characterisation of Self-Assembled Nanoparticles using Neutron scattering and Magnetic Measurements, Uppsala University
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a Polarised Neutron Scientist at ISIS
Nilsen, Goran (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
- [Neutron] A postdoc position at NCNR for a biopharmaceutical project
Liu, Yun (Fed)
- [Neutron] PostDoc position Neutron Imaging and Scattering at PSI
Strobl Markus (PSI)
- [Neutron] Postdoc position at Institut Néel
- [Neutron] McStas 3.0 release - modernised code-generator and GPU support
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] A permanent scientist position at JRR-3 for condensed matter physics
- [Neutron] JCNS-MLZ is recruiting two scientific software developers for BornAgain
Joachim Wuttke
- [Neutron] Brookhaven National Lab Posting - Requisition 2399
Cester, Peter
- [Neutron] Research Scientist position at MURR in Neutron Scattering/Material Science.
Kaiser, Helmut
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral opportunity at Ames Laboratory in quantum materials
Rob McQueeney
Last message date:
Thu Dec 31 17:35:54 CET 2020
Archived on: Mon Jan 18 17:56:37 CET 2021
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