[Neutron] International Conference_ CMR at IBR2_ 2020_October 12_16

cmr at nf.jinr.ru cmr at nf.jinr.ru
Sat Jul 25 15:57:06 CEST 2020

Dear colleagues,

CMR at IBR-2, the International Conference “Condensed Matter Research at the
IBR-2”, to be held in Dubna, Moscow region, Russia October 12-16, 2020.
Neutron scattering research at IBR-2 reactor covers different fields of
condensed matter physics, materials science, chemistry, biophysical,
geophysical and engineering sciences. CMR at IBR-2 intends to bring together
the users of the neutron facility and other interested researchers for
discussion of recent experimental results, prospects of future research
and development of IBR-2 instruments.

In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it is planned to organize
the upcoming CMR at IBR-2 Conference ONLINE.

For more information about CMR at IBR2-2 please visit the website at
http://cmr-ibr.jinr.ru. The online registration is available now.


Tatiana I.Ivankina

Scientific Secretary of CMR at IBR2

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