[Neutron] ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy User Group Meeting, MSSM2020, 28 & 29 October 2020

Cavaye, Hamish (STFC,RAL,ISIS) hamish.cavaye at stfc.ac.uk
Wed Sep 16 17:29:37 CEST 2020

Dear Colleague,

This year the ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy User Group Meeting, MSSM2020, will take place virtually on the afternoons of 28th and 29th October, via zoom. We have talks from nine invited speakers, as well as instrument updates from the ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy Group.

As well as a registration link, an up-to-date version of the schedule can be found on our website at https://tinyurl.com/MSSM2020

We look forward to seeing you there!

MSSM2020 Organising Committee

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