[Neutron] Duke Materials Initiative Online Workshop / December 7-8, 2020

Sara Haravifard, Ph.D. sara.haravifard at duke.edu
Mon Nov 23 18:33:12 CET 2020

** Sorry for any duplicates**

Dear Colleagues:

Registration is now open for the VIRTUAL “Triangle Hard Matter Workshop” hosted by the Duke Materials Initiative. The workshop will be held on December 7-8, 2020 via Zoom. It will have three themes: Quantum Materials, Energy Materials, and Metamaterials. For more information, please check out our website at: https://sites.duke.edu/dmiworkshop/

The registration is free, but we ask that all participants to please register.

The workshop aims to bring together experts working in the Hard Materials areas to share recent research discoveries and progress made in these interconnected disciplines. The workshop features plenary talks, focused sessions, discussion panels with funding agencies, and overview of the national user facilities and local capabilities.

Additionally, there will be student/postdoc poster presentation sessions, and students and postdocs are encouraged to present posters. Please note that the deadline for poster presentation is being extended so if you are interested in presenting your work in the poster session, please let me know.

As the organizer for the Quantum Materials sessions, I would like to particularly draw your attention to this component of the workshop. Below please find the list of confirmed distinguished invited speakers for the Quantum Materials sessions:

Plenary Speaker for Quantum Materials:
Bob Cava (Princeton)

Invited Science Speakers for Quantum Materials Sessions:
James Analytis (UC Berkeley)
Cristian Batista (UTK/ORNL)
Joseph Checkelsky (MIT)
Hae-young Kee (U Toronto)
Lex Kemper (NCSU)
Eun-Ah Kim (Cornell)
Divine Kumah (NCSU)
Despina Louca (UVA)
Emilia Morosan (Rice)
JP Paglione (UMD)

Please see the website for all featured speakers at: https://sites.duke.edu/dmiworkshop/featured-speakers/

We greatly hope that you can attend the workshop, and very much appreciate if you could please share this information with your colleagues, students, and postdocs who may be interested.

Please do not hesitate to let me know, if you have any question.
All the very best, Sara

Sara Haravifard
William M. Fairbank Assistant Professor of Physics
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Duke University

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