[Neutron] 2nd call: Bombannes Summer School on Scattering 20-28 June 2022

Julian OBERDISSE julian.oberdisse at umontpellier.fr
Thu Dec 9 10:09:00 CET 2021

Dear colleagues,

Our apologies if you receive this 2nd call more than once. We are 
pleased to announce the 15th Bombannes Summer School on "Scattering 
Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter". We will celebrate 30 years of 
the Bombannes school next year - well, due to the pandemic it will 
actually be 32 years.

The dates (20 to 28th of June, these are the travelling days) and the 
student fee (850 €, one week full board, we could keep it down thanks to 
additional funding) have finally been fixed. This school will be held at 
the vacation centre "Les Bruyères" in Bombannes/Carcans-Maubuisson, 
Gironde, France. Further information on the school together with on-line 
pre-registration can be found on our website under


Please note that due to high overload, pre-registration before 20nd of 
February 2022 is mandatory. Decisions will be announced in March/April 
2022. The fee is to be paid only after acceptance.

Please distribute this information to colleagues or students who might 
be interested.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, best regards,

Julian Oberdisse

(with P. Lindner, O. Glatter, J.S. Pedersen, R. Zorn, G. Fragneto, and 
S. Egelhaaf)

The European Summer School on "Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter"

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