[Neutron] 6th Nordic-Baltic summer school in neutron scattering -REGISTRATION OPEN!

Kim Lefmann lefmann at nbi.ku.dk
Sat Jun 17 22:06:36 CEST 2023

Dear all,

The registration for the 6th Nordic/Baltic Summer School of Neutron Scattering (September 9-22 2023 in Lund) is now open! The school is intended for starting PhD students, but also M.Sc. students in the field and post docs new to the field are welcome.

The school is free of charge, as it is sponsored by NordForsk; the Research Council of the Nordic countries. However, students from outside the Nordic countries will have to cover their own travel and accommodation.

Please visit our website https://eventsignup.ku.dk/6thsummerschoolofneutronscattering/conference<https://eventsignup.ku.dk/6thsummerschoolofneutronscattering/conference> for more information.

Best regards,

Kim Lefmann
Maria Batista
University of Copenhagen

Luise Theil Kuhn

Technical University of Denmark

Martin Månsson

KTH, Stockholm

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