2023 Archives by subject
Starting: Tue Jan 3 09:44:07 CET 2023
Ending: Fri Dec 22 09:03:15 CET 2023
Messages: 221
- [Neutron] 2023 NSE Educational Workshop at NIST
Phan, Minh D. (Assoc)
- [Neutron] 2023 SHUG Neutron Scattering User Meeting
Thomson, Janell
- [Neutron] 25th JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering: September 4 - 15, 2023
Neutron Labcourse
- [Neutron] 25th JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering: September 5 - 16, 2022
Neutron Labcourse
- [Neutron] 25th National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering
Rosenkranz, Stephan
- [Neutron] 2nd circular: Synergies in High Resolution Spectroscopy Workshop (HIRES)
Orsolya Czakkel
- [Neutron] 2nd French-Swiss SANS for Soft Matter meeting
Lütz Bueno Viviane
- [Neutron] 2 Vacancies for SANS Instrument Scientists at ISIS
Robert Dalgliesh - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] 3rd circular: Synergies in High Resolution Spectroscopy Workshop (HIRES) - abstract submission by e-mail
Orsolya Czakkel
- [Neutron] 4th PSI Condensed Matter Summer Camp 2023 - Registration is open
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] 5th ORSO Annual Meeting
Thomas Arnold
- [Neutron] 6th Nordic-Baltic summer school in neutron scattering -REGISTRATION OPEN!
Kim Lefmann
- [Neutron] 6th Nordic/Baltic School of neutron scattering, 11-22 September 2023
Kim Lefmann
- [Neutron] [JDN2023] Last days to register to Neutron Scattering Meeting (JDN2023)
- [Neutron] [Key Note Speakers Announcement] - ExPaNDS topic-based webinars
Roarty, Kat (DLSLtd,RAL,CEO)
- [Neutron] Abstract Submission and Registration: Workshop „Automation in Diffraction“, March, 14-15, 2024 (Garching b. München, Germany)
MLZ Automation Workshop
- [Neutron] Abstract submission JCNS Workshop 2023: „Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Scattering: Future Instruments at Pulsed Sources"
Pasini, Stefano
- [Neutron] Abstract Submission open - Machine Learning conference 8.-10.4.2024 at the MLZ / Garching
mlc at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Abstract Submission Open - MLZ Conference 2024 Neutrons for Energy Storage, Schloss Fürstenried, München, June, 04th to 07th, 2024
MLZ conference
- [Neutron] Academic Position at the University of Bristol
Stephen Hayden
- [Neutron] ACNS 2024 abstracts are open
Lisa DeBeer-Schmitt
- [Neutron] Advertising the 12th World Conference on Neutron Radiography
Bilheux, Hassina
- [Neutron] AI & Scattering Workshop
Ratcliff, William D. (Fed)
- [Neutron] ANL Job Posting: Assistant Scientist - Neutron and X-ray Scattering Group
Rosenkranz, Stephan
- [Neutron] Announcement: "Workshop on Scientific Benefits and Applications of Resonant Spin Echo"
Leiner, Jon
- [Neutron] Announcing SasView 5.0.6
Stephen King - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Announcing the 29th CHRNS School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy
Harriger, Leland W. (Fed)
- [Neutron] Application deadline 28th May - Gordon Conference on Neutron Scattering
Victoria Garcia Sakai - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Application Deadline Approaching - Announcing the 29th CHRNS Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy
Harriger, Leland W. (Fed)
- [Neutron] ARIEL Budapest School announcement
László Bottyán
- [Neutron] Available PhD position in materials science
Orsolya Czakkel
- [Neutron] BNC call for Regular Science Proposals - deadline: extended to 9 April, 2023
Bottyán László
- [Neutron] BNC call for Science Proposals - deadline extended to 2 April, 2023
László Bottyán
- [Neutron] BNC training school on neutron techniques - CETS2023: 23-28 April, 2023 (fwd)
László Bottyán
- [Neutron] BornAgain 20.0
Joachim Wuttke
- [Neutron] CALL FOR ABSTRACT: Synergies in High Resolution Spectroscopy Workshop (HIRES)
Orsolya Czakkel
- [Neutron] CALL FOR ABSTRACT: Synergies in High Resolution Spectroscopy Workshop (HIRES)
Orsolya Czakkel
- [Neutron] Call for abstracts, ICANS 2023
Xin Tong (Tony)
- [Neutron] Call for abstracts, ICANS XXIV Oct. 29th - Nov. 3rd
Xin Tong (Tony)
- [Neutron] Call for abstracts and registration, AOCNS 2023, December 2 - 8
- [Neutron] Call for Abstracts open - Neutrons and Food 7
Susana Marujo Teixeira
- [Neutron] Call for Proposals - Circular Economy Research with neutrons and other analytical methods
Peter Fouquet
- [Neutron] Celebrating 50 years of UK contributions to the ILL
50 UK
- [Neutron] CETS2023 - application deadline extended to 26 March
László Bottyán
- [Neutron] conference accouncement: ICANS XXIV Oct. 29th - Nov. 3rd
Xin Tong (Tony)
- [Neutron] Confirmed keynote and invited speakers at UCANS 10
Bottyán László
- [Neutron] Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering, August 6-11, Hong Kong
Prof. WANG Xun-Li
- [Neutron] Deadline Extended: Abstracts Machine Learning Conference
mlc at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Deadline extended for abstract submission to MLZ Conference 2023 "Neutrons for Biomaterials"
Pasini, Stefano
- [Neutron] deadline extended for SiMol
Mona Sarter - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Delft Reactor Institute instrument scientist positions
Jeroen Plomp
- [Neutron] Diffraction Instrument Scientist at HFIR, ORNL
Calder, Stuart
- [Neutron] ESS Data Management and Software Centre Summer School
Andrew McCluskey
- [Neutron] ESS Data Management and Software Centre Summer School - Applications are now open!
Andrew McCluskey
- [Neutron] ESS Data Management and Software Centre Summer School - Deadline Extended!
Carina Lobley
- [Neutron] Friendly reminder: PSI Summer Camp 2023 in Zuoz
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide) - Nottingham Trent University/ISIS neutron and muon source - "Art, soft matter and Small Angle Neutron Scattering"
Antonella Scherillo - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Future Perspectives on Neutron Scattering, 17th January, IoP London - announcement and registration
Ross Stewart - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Fwd: 25th JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering: September 5 - 16, 2022
Neutron Labcourse
- [Neutron] Fwd: Save the date: Workshop „Automation in Diffraction“, March, 14-15, 2024 (Garching b. München, Germany)
Anatoliy Senyshyn
- [Neutron] GNeuS Call 3 is now open for 19 Postdoc positions/ Webinar
Abdelgalil, Mayada
- [Neutron] GNeuS Newsletter December 2022
Abdelgalil, Mayada
- [Neutron] HIRES - 12-15 December 2023 - ILL, Grenoble, France
Laurence Tellier
- [Neutron] Honoring Bob Von Dreele on his 80th
Toby, Brian H.
- [Neutron] ICANS 2023 registration closes in 3 days
Xin Tong (Tony)
- [Neutron] ICANS XXIV deadline postponed to Sept. 15th
Xin Tong (Tony)
- [Neutron] Instrument Scientist - Novel Neutron Spectrometer TOPAS at JCNS
Voigt, Jörg
- [Neutron] Instrument Scientist - XtremeD
Javier Campo
- [Neutron] Instrument scientist position at POLI at MLZ
Jianhui.Xu at frm2.tum.de
- [Neutron] Instrument Scientist Position open for Estia at ESS
Andrew Jackson
- [Neutron] International Women’s Day Webinar - 7 March
Stephanie Richardson - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] ISIS Facility Development PhD studentship
Pascal Manuel - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] ISIS Facility Development PhD Studentship Opportunity
Ross Stewart - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] ISIS student meeting last chance to register
Mona Sarter - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] IUCr 2023: Microsymposium on Polarised Neutrons - Future Directions
Grace Causer
- [Neutron] IUCr microsymposium on Methods for the determination and analysis of magnetic structures [Abstract Deadline February 21, 2023]
Ratcliff, William D. (Fed)
- [Neutron] J-PARC Project Newsletter No.89
- [Neutron] J-PARC Project Newsletter No.90, April 2023
- [Neutron] J-PARC Project Newsletter No.91, July 2023
- [Neutron] J-PARC Project Newsletter No.92, October 2023
- [Neutron] JCNS Workshop 2023: Deadline extension for abstract submission
Pasini, Stefano
- [Neutron] Job Announcement: UT-ORII Research Assistant Professor, Center for Advanced Material and Manufacturing (CAMM)
Page, Katharine
- [Neutron] Job opening: Director JCNS-2
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Job opening at ISIS : Imaging and diffraction
Saurabh Kabra - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Job Opening at SNS | Section Head, Beamline Operations
Kim, Lorrin
- [Neutron] Job opportunities: scientific software, ISIS
Gemma Guest - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Job Posting - High Pressure Neutron Instrument Scientist
Sams, Shelby
Kacper Druzbicki
Kacper Druzbicki
Kacper Druzbicki
- [Neutron] Job posting: Tenure track assistant professor in Quantum Materials, Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Copenhagen
Kim Lefmann
- [Neutron] Job posting for SNS: Instrument Scientist in the Direct Geometry Spectroscopy Group - ORNL
Abernathy, Douglas L.
- [Neutron] Job Postings in the ISIS Inelastic Neutron Spectroscopy Division
Victoria Garcia Sakai - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] KFN Neutron Webinar starting 28 April 2023
kfnadmin at physik.uni-kiel.de
- [Neutron] LAST DAYS TO REGISTER to Synergies in High Resolution Spectroscopy Workshop
Orsolya Czakkel
- [Neutron] Last week to submit a contribution to the JDN2023!
- [Neutron] LENS Initiative Newsletter - Issue 6
Stephanie Richardson - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] LENS Initiative Newsletter - Issue 8
Stephanie Richardson - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Machine Learning Conference: Keynote Speakers & Abstract Submission Deadline
mlc at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Machine learning for materials characterisation
Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
- [Neutron] MAPS instrument scientist vacancy at ISIS
Russell Ewings - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] McStas 3.3 release
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] McStas 3.4 released!
Peter Willendrup
- [Neutron] McStas marked 25 year anniversary on November 16th
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] McXtrace school 2023 @ SOLEIL : modelling BL with photon sources, optics, samples and detectors
Emmanuel FARHI
- [Neutron] MLZ Conference 2023, Neutrons for Biomaterials: Registration is now open!
Pasini, Stefano
- [Neutron] MLZ Conference 2023, two days left for early bird registration
Pasini, Stefano
- [Neutron] MLZ Conference 2023, two days left for registration
Pasini, Stefano
- [Neutron] MLZ User Office informs: ECNS 2023 - Deadline for registration Feb 01st
ecns2023 at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] MLZ User Office informs: ECNS 2023 - Deadline for registration Feb 01st - FINAL REMINDER
ecns2023 at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] MLZ User Office informs: ECNS 2023 Early Bird - DEADLINE EXTENDED!
ecns2023 at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] MLZ User Office informs: ECNS 2023 Early Bird - only one week to go!
ecns2023 at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] MRM2023 (Advanced Materials Research Grand Meeting 2023)
Javier Campo
- [Neutron] Muon User Meeting
Stephanie Richardson - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] NDS2023 : Invitation to 6th International workshop on NEUTRON DELIVERY SYSTEMS - 10th - 12th July 2023
Steph Monfront
- [Neutron] Neutron Scattering Computational Instrument Scientist Position at ORNL
Fernandez-Baca, Jaime A.
- [Neutron] Neutron scattering instrument scientist position -triple axis spectroscopy group -ORNL
Fernandez-Baca, Jaime A.
- [Neutron] New Release of Mantid: 6.6.0
Gemma Guest - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] NI-Matters scientific event : 27 - 28 November 2023 : registration deadline 02/11/23
Emily RYAN
- [Neutron] NSSA Prize and Fellow deadline
Lisa DeBeer-Schmitt
- [Neutron] Obituary for Marie-Sousai Appavou
Pasini, Stefano
- [Neutron] Open Position for a Postdoctoral Fellow at PSI (Neutron Optics and Scientific Computing)
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] ORNL 2023-B neutron scattering proposal call: Newsletter for HFIR triple axis spectroscopy users
Aczel, Adam
- [Neutron] ORNL 2024-A neutron scattering proposal call: Newsletter for HFIR triple axis spectroscopy users
Aczel, Adam
- [Neutron] ORNL Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Spectroscopy Neutron Scattering Scientist (VISION)
Mamontov, Eugene
- [Neutron] ORNL Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Spectroscopy Neutron Scattering Scientist (VISION)
Mamontov, Eugene
- [Neutron] PhD and Postdoc positions available at BCMaterials (Bilbao, Spain)
José María Porro Azpiazu
- [Neutron] PhD Position available
Zaharko Oksana
- [Neutron] Please join us at the 2023 Gordon Research Conference on Neutron Scattering. 25-30th June in Ventura, California!!
Victoria Garcia Sakai - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Post-doctoral/Research fellow positions in neutron surface scattering at the China Spallation Neutron Source
Guang Wang
- [Neutron] Post-doctoral position at SNS, ORNL
Ye, Feng
- [Neutron] Post-doctoral position in energy materials and neutron scattering at Peking University
Yinguo Xiao 肖荫果
- [Neutron] PostDoc position available (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Wojciech Slawinski
- [Neutron] Postdoc position available at Indiana University, Bloomington.
Pynn, Roger
- [Neutron] Postdoc position in Multimodal Methods at NSLS-II
Olds, Daniel
- [Neutron] Postdoc position in Neutron Scattering Division at ORNL
Tian, Wei
- [Neutron] Postdoc position in Neutron Scattering Division at ORNL
Tian, Wei
- [Neutron] Postdoc position in physics at MLZ
Jianhui.Xu at frm2.tum.de
- [Neutron] PostDoc postion available at University of Warsaw
wslawinski at chem.uw.edu.pl
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral position: Neutron scattering of magnetism in quantum heterostructures
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral position at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Guthrie, Malcolm
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral position at SwissFEL, PSI
Vonka Jakub
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral position at U Virginia
Louca, Despina (dl4f)
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral position at U Virginia
Louca, Despina (dl4f)
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Position in Experimental/Theoretical Quantum Liquids at Indiana University
Paul Sokol
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Research Associate - AI & UX for Neutron Crystallography
Wang, Xiaoping
- [Neutron] Professor John White [SEC=OFFICIAL]
GILBERT, Elliot Paul
- [Neutron] Project manager position in Saclay for the construction of the French HICANS
- [Neutron] PSND2024 - Abstract Deadline Extension
Davide Raspino - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] python/web developer job offer at Synchrotron SOLEIL, FR
FARHI Emmanuel
- [Neutron] QENS/WINS 2024, Manchester, UK, 10th-14th June - SAVE THE DATE!
Victoria Garcia Sakai - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] QuBs Webinar | Neutron Scattering: Challenges and Opportunities 9 November
Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
- [Neutron] QuBs Webinar | Neutron Scattering: Challenges and Opportunities: New date!
Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
- [Neutron] Registration Deadline: SR2A 2023 Conference
sr2a at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Registration deadline for MATRAC1 School “Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science” has been extended to January 31st!
Pranzas, Klaus
- [Neutron] REGISTRATION IS OPEN! - Synergies in High Resolution Spectroscopy (HIRES) workshop
Orsolya Czakkel
- [Neutron] Registration is open for HIRES workshop
Orsolya Czakkel
- [Neutron] Release of Mantid v6.7.0
Sarah Foxley - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Release of Mantid v6.8.0
Sarah Foxley - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Release of NeXpy v1.0.0
Osborn, Raymond
- [Neutron] ReMade pre-proposal deadline 22 September 2023
Peter Fouquet
- [Neutron] remember to register before the deadline
Mona Sarter - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Reminder! Registration open until 31 august - Second FPSchool 2023, from 2 to 6 October 2023
- [Neutron] Reminder: "Workshop on Scientific Benefits and Applications of Resonant Spin Echo"
Leiner, Jon
- [Neutron] REMINDER: ANSTO Call for Proposals: Neutron Scattering & Deuteration Capabilities - 2023-2 Round [SEC=OFFICIAL]
- [Neutron] Reminder: Deadline SR2A Abstract Submission
sr2a at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Reminder: SR2A 2023 Conference Early Bird Deadline
sr2a at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Request for Nomination of Candidates for the Next Director of J-PARC Center
Toshiya Otomo
- [Neutron] Research Engineer in Materials Engineering with Neutron Polarisation Focus
Wai Tung Lee
- [Neutron] Rietveld Analysis Automation Workshop at LANL June 5-9, 2023 - reply by MON April 10
Vogel, Sven C
- [Neutron] Sample Environment Research Engineer for Soft Matter at ESS
Monika Hartl
- [Neutron] Save-the-Date: Machine Learning Conference 2024 in Munich
mlc at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] save the date
Mona Sarter - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Save the date: MLZ Conference 2024, Neutrons for Energy Storage, Schloss Fürstenried, München, June, 04th to 07th, 2024
MLZ conference
- [Neutron] SAVE THE DATE: SXNS17 in Grenoble / 15th - 18th July 2024
Emily RYAN
- [Neutron] Second FPSchool 2023: announcement & application
- [Neutron] SE Group Leader Position at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering [SEC=OFFICIAL]
- [Neutron] SiMolSpec Meeting
Mona Sarter - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] SINQ - call for proposals II-23
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] SINQ call for proposals - one week left to submit your proposal
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Six postdoctoral positions, based in the UK with the EPSRC Programme Grant “Combining Advanced Materials for Interface Engineering (CAMIE)”
Christy Kinane - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] SOKENDAI KEK Tsukuba/J-PARC Summer Student Program 2023
Toshiya Otomo
- [Neutron] SOKENDAI KEK Tsukuba/J-PARC Summer Student Program 2023
Toshiya Otomo
- [Neutron] SR2A 2023: Registration + Abstract Submission now open!
sr2a at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] SR2A 2023: Save the Date!
sr2a at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] SR2A 2023 Conference Program Released!
sr2a at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] SR2A 2023 – the International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons in Art and Archaeology
sr2a at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] SR2A Deadline Abstract Submission
sr2a at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] SR2A Keynote Speakers announced!
sr2a at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] Synergies in High Resolution Spectroscopy Workshop - 12-15 December 2023, ILL
Orsolya Czakkel
- [Neutron] Technical University of Munich: Tenure Track Assistant Professorship
Christian Pfleiderer
- [Neutron] Tenure track faculty position at the University of Virginia
Louca, Despina (dl4f)
- [Neutron] The 1st circular of the 4th J-PARC Symposium (J-PARC2024), Oct. 14-18, 2024
Asami SANO
- [Neutron] TNT 2023
Antonella Scherillo - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Two weeks left to submit abstracts for the MLZ Conference 2023: "Neutrons for Biomaterials"
Pasini, Stefano
Bottyán László
Bottyán László
- [Neutron] UCANS 10 Budapest 16-19 October, 2023 - Registration open
Bottyán László
- [Neutron] UCANS10 Conference, 16-19. October 2023, Budapest
László Bottyán
- [Neutron] UCANS 10 upcoming deadline: 31 May
Bottyán László
- [Neutron] Upcoming Deadline: Abstracts Machine Learning Conference
mlc at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] User Program Outreach Lead (position at ORNL)
Thomson, Janell
- [Neutron] Vacancies: ESS Instrument Division Leaders
Åsa Ander
- [Neutron] Vacancies: Scientific Software Developers
Åsa Ander
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Head of Data Management and Software Center for the European Spallation Source
Åsa Ander
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Instrument Data Scientist for reflectometry
Åsa Ander
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Instrument Scientist SANS-1 @ MLZ
Sebastian Mühlbauer
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Science Communications Officer
Stephanie Richardson - STFC UKRI
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Scientific Software Developer for the European Spallation Source
Åsa Ander
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Software Engineer (Python) for the European Spallation Source
Simon Heybrock
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a Post-Doctoral position at ILL - (ref 23/02)
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a Research Engineer at ILL - (ref 23/12)
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 23/15)
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 23/16)
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 23/19)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 23/28)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 23/37)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - Ref 23/21
- [Neutron] Workshop: In-situ Studies of Rock Deformation
Hussey, Daniel S. (Fed)
- [Neutron] Workshop “Getting the most from your POWGEN data”, Nov. 15-17, 2023 in ORNL
Zhang, Qiang
- [Neutron] Workshop “Getting the most from your POWGEN data”, Nov. 15-17, 2023 in ORNL
Zhang, Qiang
Last message date:
Fri Dec 22 09:03:15 CET 2023
Archived on: Fri Dec 22 19:09:58 CET 2023
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