[Neutron] Workshop “Getting the most from your POWGEN data”, Nov. 15-17, 2023 in ORNL

Zhang, Qiang zhangq6 at ornl.gov
Tue Aug 29 20:19:19 CEST 2023

Dear Colleagues,
        We are excited to announce a workshop entitled “Getting the most from your POWGEN data” which will be held from November 15th to 17th, 2023 (spanning 2.5 days), in person at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The workshop aims to bring existing and potential POWGEN users together and train them on comprehensive data analysis of time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction data.

        The workshop’s primary objective is to equip attendees with essential skills to get the most from POWGEN data. The tutorials will cover the basics of neutron diffraction and total scattering techniques, Rietveld refinement of long-range crystal and/or magnetic structures, and pair distribution function analysis of local structure. The advanced data processing methods to deal with event-based data and pixel-by-pixel neutron absorption corrections on POWGEN data will also be covered. The tutorials will include software packages GSAS-II and PDFgui, with breakout sessions using FullProf and TOPAS.  The workshop will also offer an opportunity for existing POWGEN users to get help from the POWGEN team to work through any obstacles they may have encountered and move forward with their data analysis.
      This 2.5-day workshop is free and the DEADLINE to register is Wednesday, Sep. 13th, 2023. For more details and to apply, please go to https://conference.sns.gov/event/391/. Attendance will be limited to 40 participants to ensure the effectiveness of the hands-on learning. Preference will be given to active and future US facility users engaged in neutron diffraction and total scattering.

      We kindly encourage you to share this announcement with colleagues whom you believe would benefit from this workshop. If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Thanks.

Workshop Organizers:

Qiang Zhang: zhangq6 at ornl.gov<mailto:zhangq6 at ornl.gov>
Alicia Manjón Sanz: manjonsanzam at ornl.gov<mailto:manjonsanzam at ornl.gov>
Cheng Li: lic1 at ornl.gov<mailto:lic1 at ornl.gov>
Yuanpeng Zhang: zhangy3 at ornl.gov<mailto:zhangy3 at ornl.gov>
Melanie Kirkham:  kirkhammj at ornl.gov<mailto:kirkhammj at ornl.gov>
Thomas Proffen: tproffen at ornl.gov<mailto:tproffen at ornl.gov>

Best regards
Dr. Qiang Zhang
POWGEN instrument scientist
in Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Room B457,  Building 8600
1 Bethel Valley Rd
Oak Ridge, TN, 37831-6477, USA
Homepage: https://www.ornl.gov/staff-profile/qiang-zhang
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Hj33eQgAAAAJ&hl=en
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0389-7039

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