ORNL Neutron Scattering Facility Questionnaire
Bryan Chakoumakos
kou at ornl.gov
Wed Apr 10 11:39:23 CDT 1996
The DOE has requested that users of BES supported facilities complete the
following generic questionnaire. If you are an active or past user of the
ORNL Neutron Scattering or SAXS Facilities, please reply. Your responses will
be kept confidential and should be returned to us at ns_user at ornl.gov or
kou at ornl.gov as soon as possible. We have been asked to tabulate the
responses and send them to Iran Thomas by April 30, 1996, so a quick
response from the users is needed.
Thank you.
Facilities Questionnaire
Please place an X by one number for each question.
1. How satisfied are you with the fraction of the year the facility operates?
1=Yuk 2 3=OK 4 5=Wow
2. How satisfied are you with the schedule or service? (i.e., was the
time or service delivered on schedule and downtime kept to a minimum.)
1=Yuk 2 3=OK 4 5=Wow
3. How satisfied are you with the performance? (i.e., was beam or service
maintained close to specifications.)
1=Yuk 2 3=OK 4 5=Wow
4. How satisfied are you with the support for users?
1=Yuk 2 3=OK 4 5=Wow
5. Within a constant budget, what would you like the facility to do
6. Other comments.
Neutron Scattering Section
Solid State Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6393
423-574-5235 phone
423-574-6268 FAX
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