Post-doc position for polarised neutron study of magnetic layers and particles

rekveldt M.T.Rekveldt at IRI.TUDelft.NL
Fri Jul 3 17:55:40 CDT 1998

Experimental physicist, post-doc

for research in magnetic thin layers and small magnetic particles using
Neutron Depolarisation and Reflectometry. 

General information

In the research group "Polarised Neutron Applications" of the department
Radiation Physics at the Interfacultair Reactor Instituut of the Delft
University for Technology research in carried out on various subjects using
the techniques, neutron depolarisation (ND), small angle neutron scattering
(SANS) and neutron reflectometry (NR). These techniques are used to study
structural phase transitions in steels, the magnetisation process and
magnetic structures in thin layers, small particle systems and other
mesoscopic sytems. In the group a postdoc vacancy exists in the following
research area: 

- Study of thin soft-magnetic nitrided Fe layers using ND and NR. The
domain structure in these materials will be studied as a function of
magnetic field. The research will be carried out in close cooperation with
Prof Dr.D.O. Boerma of Groningen University and other university research

- Study of small particle systems under shear. The systems can be
dispersion of particles or powder systems. For these studies ND and
possibly SANS will be used. Also this study will be in cooperation with
other research groups of Delft university but also with international
groups working in the same area with other techniques. 

Function information

The postdoc will function within a team of totally 6 a 7 scientists,
working at various subjects with related problems. Intensive collaboration
with groups in the Netherlands and laboratories abroad will be an important
part of the work. 

We are looking for an experimental physicist with theoretical interest.
Experience with magnetic fields and scattering techniques can be an


For more information you can contact dr. M.T. Rekveldt, phone +31-15-278
2107, rekveldt at, or dr. W.G. Bouwman, phone +31-15-278 6775,
W.G.Bouwman at 


Written application with a Curriculum Vitae can be sent to dr. M.Th.
Rekveldt, Interfacultair Reactor Instituut, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft. 

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