
Juergen Neuhaus Juergen_Neuhaus at Physik.TU-Muenchen.DE
Fri Aug 6 16:40:21 CDT 1999

      International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2001
           9.-13. September 2001, Munich, Germany
                Technische Universität München

                       Honorary Chairman
                   Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gläser

The ICNS 2001 will provide an international forum for the presentation
and discussion of recent developments in neutron sources, the
techniques of neutron scattering and their application to physics,
chemistry, biology material sciences and industry.  The conference
intends to bring together scientists using neutrons and
instrumentation specialists. Advanced instrumentation for the ever
increasing needs of the scientists will be one of the central points
of the conference. The conference will largely support the science of
young researchers.

The conference will be held at the Technische Universität
München. Here the first German neutron source FRM went critical in
1957 and now the Technische Universität München intends to take into
operation at the beginning of 2001 the FRM-II. This is a high flux
neutron source intended to fulfil the requirements of the German and
the international neutron user community.  The conference will follow
the tradition established by the previous meetings: ICNS97 in Toronto,
ICNS94 in Sendai, ICNS91 in Oxford, ICNS88 in Grenoble, ICNS85 in
Sante Fe and ICNS82 in Hakone.

To subscribe for the second circular and any further information
please visit the conference home page:


If you have a home page of interest to neutron scatterers please add a
link to the ICNS2001 home page.

The conference office can be reached by mail:

Technische Universität München
Physik Department E13
D-85747 Garching
phone: +49 89 289 12452
fax: +49 89 289 12473
email: info at icns2001.de 

 _/_/_/_/    _/_/_/     _/_/_/_/     Juergen Neuhaus
      _/     _/    _/   _/           ZBE FRM-II
     _/      _/    _/   _/           TU-Muenchen
 _/_/_/_/    _/  _/     _/_/_/_/     D-85747 Garching
   _/        _/    _/   _/           Germany
  _/         _/    _/   _/           Tel.: (+49) 89 2891 2187
 _/_/_/_/    _/ _/_/    _/_/_/_/     Fax.: (+49) 89 2891 2112

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