Post-doc position at BENSC (HMI Berlin)

Hans-Anton Graf graf at
Tue Nov 30 16:14:52 CST 1999

The Hahn-Meitner-Institut invites applications for a post-doctoral 
position in the area of neutron scattering.

The Hahn-Meitner-Institut is a German National Laboratory and a 
member of the Herman von Helmholtz Association of National 
Research Centres. It is located in Berlin, the capital of Germany, 
has about 850 employees and hosts the Berlin Neutron Scattering 
Centre (BENSC,, a user facility open to 
scientists from all over the world. To probe the structure and 
dynamics of solids and liquids, BENSC provides scientists with state-
of-the-art neutron scientific equipment.

Successful candidates should be interested in
- experimental physics
- collaborating with guest groups
- instrument development

The position is for three years renewable for another two years.

The successful candidate holds a PhD in physics and has 
experience with neutron scattering measurements. He/she will 
support and participate in the research and development work at the 
thermal triple-axis spectrometer E1 
(, prepare user 
experiments, support the users, collaborate with them and do 
research on the dynamics of condensed matter by neutron 
scattering techniques.

The salary is in the range from 70000 - 80000 DM (gross income 
per year) depending on age. 
If interested please contact  Dr. Hans A. Graf,
E-mail: graf at, 
Phone: + (49 30) 8062 2778, 
FAX :   + (49 30) 8062 2999.

Hans A. Graf
Department NE
Glienickerstr. 100
D-14109 Berlin

e-mail: graf at
Phone:  +49 30 8062 2778
FAX:    +49 30 8062 2999

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