Funding for Optical Component Studies

Worlton, Thomas tworlton at
Mon Dec 6 13:56:43 CST 1999

Solicitation of Proposals for Neutron Optical Components Development

The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is a funded DOE project to construct a
dedicated neutron scattering facility for condensed matter research based on
the pulsed spallation neutron source technology. This facility is being
constructed as a multi-laboratory collaboration over a 7-year period, and is
planned to become operational in late 2005. As part of the project, limited
funding is available for development of neutron optical components to meet
the needs of the current and future neutron scattering instruments.

The SNS project is now soliciting proposals to support development of
improved neutron optical component technology and novel neutron optical
component ideas. Persons interested in further information or wishing to get
on a mailing list for future announcements should contact Michael Agamalian
or Frank Klose at the addresses given below.

Optical Component study descriptions should be short and informal, but
should include:
·	Technical description and design goals, including how this would be
an improvement over existing technology
·	Budget for FY2000 (October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000), separated
into effort and materials. In the case of multi-year projects, estimated
cost and effort requirements until completion.
·	Item or items to be delivered by September 30, 2000 (may be a
prototype, report, etc.)
·	Plans (if any) for extension to future years, including rough
technical description and budget
·	Collaborations involved

Studies should address one or more of the following priority areas: 
·	Neutron beam deflectors (channel benders, multi-slit curved guides
·	Focussing devices for the direct or diffracted neutron beam in order
to achieve intensity or spatial resolution gains (based on optical, magnetic
or other principles) 
·	Neutron polarizers for divergent beam applications (Dq £ 1 deg)
·	Spin flippers with uniform efficiency (> 99.9%)  over large
neutron-beam cross section area (10 cm x 12 cm)
·	Devices for reshaping the wavelength-dependent moderator pulse-width
(in order to improve the wavelength resolution or to cut the slowly-decaying
"tail" of neutrons emitted by a coupled cold moderator
·	Crystal monochromators / analyzers

All technologies useful to SNS must be adapted for neutron time-of-flight
experiments and should be applicable for wide neutron bandwidth.

Proposals for FY2000 funding should be submitted (preferably in electronic
version) to Michael Agamalian or Frank Klose by December 15, 1999.

Michael Agamalian
Intense Pulsed Neutron Source / SNS Project
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL 60439
e-mail: magamalian at
phone: (630)-252-6753
FAX:	(630)-252-4163

Frank Klose
Intense Pulsed Neutron Source / SNS Project
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL 60439
e-mail: fklose at 
phone: (630)-252-7468
FAX:	(630)-252-4163

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