[Neutron] Two Research Positions at Chalk River

McIvor, Alastair - NRC Alastair.McIvor at nrc.gc.ca
Wed Jul 21 09:22:17 CDT 2004

 NRC-CNRC - From discovery to innovation

NRC Chalk River -  Competitions Open for Two New Research Positions


Canada's Neutron Beam Laboratory is planning to add two new members to its
scientific staff.  Both research positions are continuing.  

One new position is for neutron scattering research in magnetism,
superconductivity and fundamental condensed matter physics.


For details see:

The other new position is for neutron scattering research in soft condensed
matter science. 

For details see:

(please note: you may have to copy and paste the whole URL into your

Alastair McIvor

Strategic Planning and Marketing 
National Research Council
Neutron Program for Materials Research
http://neutron.nrc.gc.ca/ <http://neutron.nrc.gc.ca/> 

tel (613) 584 3311 x6274
fax (613) 584 4040 

Building 459
Chalk River Laboratories
Chalk River
K0J 1J0

Cette information est disponible en français sur demande. Contacter :
<mailto:alastair.mcivor at cnrc.gc.ca> alastair.mcivor at cnrc.gc.ca ou appeler au
numéro sans frais : 1 (888) 243-2634. pour toute information générale en
anglais et en français sur le programme neutronique pour la recherche sur
les matériaux du CNRC, veuillez consulter le site web

 National Research Council Canada |  <http://neutron.nrc.gc.ca/px/mail1.gif>
| Government of Canada <http://neutron.nrc.gc.ca/px/mail2.gif> 


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