[Neutron] SINQ User Meeting on 27/01/2005

SINQ sinq at psi.ch
Mon Oct 25 09:35:50 CDT 2004

The 7th SINQ Users' Meeting will be organised
at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen/Switzerland on

Thursday, January 27, 2005

A preliminary program and further information on registration and
accommodation is available from the meeting's webpage:

The scope of the meeting is to inform the users about recent progress and
developments around SINQ, to give them the opportunity to present their
results and to exchange their ideas within the SINQ community. A poster
session is not foreseen, instead it is planned to give as many users as
possible the opportunity to report on their work in talks of
typically 15 minutes in the parallel afternoon sessions. We especially
encourage young scientists to participate and to present the outcome of
their research. 

The deadline for registration and abstract submission will be:

Monday, December 20, 2004

We look forward to meeting you at PSI in January,
the organising committee 

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