[Neutron] BENSC - Call for proposals 2005_II

Astrid Brandt brandt at hmi.de
Wed Jan 26 14:11:43 CST 2005

Call for Proposals for Projects in 2005: July-December

Dear colleagues,

For selection round 26, BENSC is calling for your applications for beam time.

Please find the complete text of the Call for Proposals on our webpages at


or download it from


To promote complementary use of neutrons and synchrotron radiation, HMI has 
initiated an upgrade project for the synchrotron source BESSY including the 
development and installation of two new insertion devices.

For details on the available HMI beam lines at BESSy see


Proposals aiming at complementary use of neutrons at BER2 and synchrotron 
radiation at the new HMI beam lines at BESSY are encouraged and will 
receive certain priority.



For your BENSC NEUTRONS applications please use the


Deadline for BENSC BER2 Neutrons applications: 15 March 2005

For your application for BESSY beam time at the HMI instruments , please 
use the general BESSY proposal procedure, as available under


Deadline for BESSY use applications: 15 February 2005


Support for European Access to BENSC Neutrons

We are happy to inform our European users that BENSC has been awarded EU 
support to provide access to the BENSC Neutrons facilities for groups from 
EU Member State Countries and Associated States.

We are looking forward to receiving your proposals.
With kind regards on behalf of the BENSC Team

Astrid Brandt

Dr. Astrid Brandt
EU Access Project Team
BENSC Guest Office
Glienicker Strasse 100
D  -  14109 Berlin
fon: +49 / 30 / 8062 -2169
fax:     +49 / 30 / 8062 -2824
email:    brandt at hmi.de
NET:    http://www.hmi.de/bensc

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