[Neutron] LANSCE Joint Neutron Scattering School in Soft Condensed Matter and Structural Biology - May 18-26, 2006

tamson smith tamson at lanl.gov
Tue Feb 14 16:11:40 CST 2006

LANSCE Joint Neutron Scattering School in Soft Condensed Matter and
Structural Biology

May18-26, 2006
Manuel Lujan Jr. Neutron Scattering Center
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, New Mexico

Lectures, practicals and tutorials in the uses of neutron scattering in soft
condensed matter and structural biology.

Application deadline:  March 20, 2006
Further information and online registration may be found at

The school will focus on outstanding issues in soft matter and structural
biology where neutrons make fundamental contributions. It will provide an
overview of and training in neutron scattering in soft condensed matter and
structural biology, including the basics of neutron scattering diffraction
and reflection, neutron production; small-angle neutron scattering,
reflectometry, diffraction on thermal and cold neutron  instruments;
experimental methods, data reduction and analysis techniques; and hands-on

The school is intended primarily for Ph.D. graduate students in the
physical, chemical or biological sciences or postdoctoral researchers.
Students should have a basic introduction in scattering or diffraction by
successfully completing an appropriate course in physics, physical chemistry
or biophysical chemistry.

For further information on the soft condensed matter school, contact Rex
Hjelm (1-505-665-2372, hjem at lanl.gov) or Jarek Majewski (1-505-667-8840,
jarek at lanl.gov).

For further information on the structural biolo6B   65y school, contact Paul
Langan (1-505-665-8125, langan_paul at lanl.gov) or Benno Schoenborn
(1-505-665-2033, schoenborn at lanl.gov).

For general inquiries, contact Jim Rhyne (1-505-665-0071, rhyne at lanl.gov) or
Heinz Nakotte (1-505-646-2459, hnakotte at nmsu.edu).


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