[Neutron] EU Ancient Charm Postdoc position in Cultural Heritage at
Kockelmann, WA (Winfried)
W.A.Kockelmann at rl.ac.uk
Wed Feb 14 14:36:46 CST 2007
EU Ancient Charm Postdoc position at ISIS (Fixed Term, 21 Months)
Neutrons are a versatile probe for non-destructive investigations of Cultural Heritage materials. A variety of neutron-based techniques such as neutron activation analysis and neutron diffraction are available to examine museum objects and archaeological finds. The European "NEST adventure" project ANCIENT CHARM (Analysis by Neutron resonant Capture Imaging and other Emerging Neutron Techniques: new Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Research Methods) aims to develop neutron resonant capture imaging (NRCI) as a non-invasive technique for determining 3D distributions of elements in art and archaeological objects. The underlying physical effect, neutron resonant capture analysis (NRCA), was only recently exploited for the first time in archaeological science. The ANCIENT CHARM consortium comprises 10 European partners; the ISIS neutron source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory will be the focal point where some of the project objectives will be accomplished. Within the ANCIENT CHARM framework, ISIS will develop and test a complex piece of equipment, comprising neutron and gamma-ray detectors and sample manipulation, for non-destructive NRCI analysis, which will be made available to the general scientific community for archaeological research.
Description of work
The PDRA will collaborate with members of the ANCIENT CHARM consortium and will be involved in experiments at different neutron centres in Europe but mainly at ISIS. The main task for ISIS is the development, design and commissioning of the NRCI set-up which is composed of neutron and gamma detector modules and other hardware components. The post holder will be involved in the hardware and software development of the NRCI components in close cooperation with other ANCIENT CHARM partners, and will participate in a variety of measurements on test and museum specimens.
The PDRA will be encouraged to pursue their own research projects in archaeological science and/or to participate in other archaeological material science projects at ISIS.
Qualification and experience
The successful candidate must hold a PhD in Physics, Archaeological Materials Science related science or engineering subjects, and must have an interest in developing neutron-based imaging methods and apply them to the aims of the ANCIENT CHARM project. Applicants are expected to possess a solid scientific background in their relevant discipline. Previous experience on neutron-based analysis techniques and computer simulation techniques for the design of neutron instruments, e.g. McStas, is desirable but not necessary. Candidates should have excellent communication skills in oral and written English.
Salary is in the range £24,638 to £27,998 per annum, dependent on skills and ability. An excellent index linked pension scheme and generous leave allowance are also offered.
For an informal discussion about the post, please contact Winfried Kockelmann on +44 (0)1235 446731 or email w.kockelmann at rl.ac.uk
Application forms can be obtained from our website at www.cclrc.ac.uk following the links to the vacancies page. Alternatively, you may wish to contact us by email at recruitment-FBU at rl.ac.uk or phoning +44(0)1235 446677 (24 hour answer phone) quoting reference number FBU076.
For more detailed information about CCLRC please visit www.cclrc.ac.uk .
Closing date for applications is 2 March 2007.
Interviews will be held on 22 March 2007
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