Workshop: Neutron Stress, Texture,
and Phase Transformation for Industry
Ekkebus, Allen E.
ekkebusae at ornl.gov
Fri Feb 16 16:19:06 CST 2007
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is hosting two events of broad interest to
the materials science and engineering community on April 18 & 19, 2007,
an Educational Symposium and an Industrial Workshop. This describes the
Industrial Workshop.
Neutron Stress, Texture, and Phase Transformation for Industry - NST2
Spallation Neutron Source
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
April 19, 2007
NST2 is directed to the broad engineering community based in industry
who wishes to utilize neutrons in a wide range of diffraction
applications. Emphasis of the NST2 Workshop will be on the future uses
of Engineering Neutron Diffraction facilities for non-destructive
stress, phase and texture mapping, in-situ load and furnace
measurements, and grain level materials deformation behavior. The
connection to modeling of residual stress generation and deformation
processing will also be made. Meeting the needs of industry and
universities and aiding American economic competitiveness are important
to the ORNL neutron scattering community. The NST2 Workshop will also
highlight the two newest Engineering Neutron Diffraction instruments
which are located at ORNL's Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux
Isotope Reactor. The SNS and HFIR user facilities and the
state-of-the-art user facilities at other national laboratories funded
by the U.S. government are shared with the science community worldwide
and offer some technologies and instrumentation that are available
nowhere else. Each year, these facilities are used by thousands of
researchers from universities, other government agencies, and private
industry. The new capabilities at HFIR and SNS will greatly expand the
benefit of neutron scattering to industry.
Goals and Expected Workshop Outcomes
1. Identify the current needs for neutron scattering by industry
utilizing engineering diffraction techniques.
2. Recognize current and future capabilities at U.S. neutron
scattering facilities, including the High Flux Isotope Reactor and the
Spallation Neutron Source, for industrial studies of structural
3. Produce a report on potentially valuable directions for
additional research and investment focusing on the needs of industry.
Neutron diffraction is an important scientific technique used to
determine the structures and lattice spacings of materials. Neutron
diffraction, like X-ray diffraction, uses the spacings of the atomic
lattice as an intrinsic gage of the strain of an engineered component.
In addition neutrons are highly penetrating and tests may be performed
on industrial-sized engineered components. The program of the NST2
Workshop has been developed to expand the awareness of North American
industry to applications of neutron scattering and to receive feedback
from industry interested in engineering diffraction. A companion event
to NST2, an educational symposium sponsored by the Oak Ridge-Knoxville
chapter of ASM International on April 18, 2007, will devote a full day
to theory and practical applications of neutron scattering relevant to
the materials science and engineering community.
A limited number of scholarships may be available for graduate students,
postdocs, and early career faculty to attend NST2 and the previous day's
educational symposium. For NST2, the scholarship winners will
participate in the poster session presenting the results of research
performed with an industrial partner.
For detailed information on the workshop and educational symposium,
including registration, submitting posters, lodging, agenda,
scholarships, and vendor participation, please visit our websites at
http://www.sns.gov/workshops/nst2/, and
<http://www.sns.gov/workshops/nst2/> , or contact Al Ekkebus at
ekkebusae at sns.gov.
Allen E. Ekkebus
Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
One Bethel Valley Road, Bldg 8600
P. O. Box 2008, MS 6460
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6460
Telephone: (865) 241-5644 Fax: (865) 241-5177
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