[Neutron] Neutron mailing list has moved

Peterson, Peter F. petersonpf at ornl.gov
Tue Jun 17 21:16:35 CEST 2008

This is an announcement that the neutron mailing list, formerly 
<neutron at anl.gov>, is now located at <neutron at neutronsources.org>. This 
move is the first since the mailing list was created by IPNS at Argonne 
National Laboratory on February 25, 1995. Thank you to the staff at 
Argonne for maintaining it. The list is now being hosted at Oak Ridge 
National Laboratory.

The relocation of the list has been done in a way that preserves the 
membership, moderators, and message archive. While the old addresses 
will continue to work for the next couple of months, please update the 
address in your directories.

Peter Peterson

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