[Neutron] 4 vacancies for simulation of X-ray instruments

Peter Willendrup pkwi at risoe.dtu.dk
Tue Apr 14 14:32:55 CEST 2009

Dear all,

We are expanding McStas to cover X-ray simulation. McXtrace will be  
the name of the X-ray branch.

We have no less than 4 vacancies: 1 post doc and 3 Ph.D. scholarships  
for the programming and application of this package. Please help us  
find suitable staff by forwarding the following link to whom you may  
think interested:


For more information on McXtrace itself, see http://www.mcxtrace.org .


    Kim Lefmann & Peter Willendrup

Peter Willendrup - Development engineer

Materials Research Division
Frederiksborgvej 399
DK-4000 Roskilde

Tlf.: (+45) 4677 5862
Mobil.: (+45) 2125 4612
Fax.: (+45) 4766 5758
NEW EMAIL ADR.: pkwi at risoe.dtu.dk

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