[Neutron] New polarized cold-beam reflectometer beamline at the Budapest Neutron Centre - call for proposals
Bottyán László
bottyan at rmki.kfki.hu
Mon May 13 01:33:50 CEST 2013
GINA, the "Grazing Incidence Neutron Apparatus" has been recently
installed on a cold-neutron guide in the Budapest Neutron Centre. GINA is
dedicated to studies of magnetic films and heterostructures, but
unpolarized options for non-magnetic films, membranes, and other surfaces
are also provided.
GINA is a dance-floor-type, constant-energy, angle-dispersive
reflectometer equipped with a 2D position-sensitive detector to study
specular and off-specular scattering.
Wavelength options between 3.2 and 5.7 angstrom are available for
unpolarized and polarized neutrons. The beam is vertically focused by a
five-element double layer pyrolytic graphite monochromator. Spin
polarization and analysis are achieved by magnetized transmission
supermirrors and radio-frequency adiabatic spin flippers, respectively.
The setup, capabilities, and operation parameters of the GINA neutron
reflectometer have been recently reported in detail in the Rev. Sci.
Instrum. 84, 015112 (2013)
(http://rsi.aip.org/resource/1/rsinak/v84/i1/p015112_s1) and can also be
found on the web pages of the instrument (http://mffo.rmki.kfki.hu/gina).
The GINA reflectometer is operated by the Functional Nanostructures
Research Group (http://mffo.rmki.kfki.hu/nucssp_new) of the Wigner
Reaearch Centre for Physics (http://www.kfki.hu/?language=en) and the
group also offers thin film preparation services by their molecular beam
epitaxy (MBE) laboratory including, beside many other metals,
isotope-selective depositions of Fe (natural and Fe-57) and Ni (natural
and Ni-62). A complete list of available targets is available at
The GINA reflectometer is part of the User Program of the Budapest neutron
Centre (BNC) (http://www.bnc.hu). The next proposal deadline is extended
to 1 June, 2013 (for experiments in the reactor cycles August-December).
Should you be interested in performing experiments on the GINA
reflectometer, please contact: László Bottyán (bottyan at bnc.hu) or please
apply for beamtime via the BNC proposal submission procedure.
László Bottyán Wigner Research Center for Physics
head of Laboratory of Functional Nanostructures
laboratory Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33.
1525 Budapest, pf. 49
Phone: +361 392 2761 Fax:+361 395 9151
Mobile: +3630 256 9853
e-mail: bottyan.laszlo at wigner.mta.hu
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