[Neutron] NMI3 e-newsletter 3

Inês Crespo Ines.Crespo at frm2.tum.de
Wed May 22 15:35:57 CEST 2013

Dear colleagues,

The NMI3 e-newsletter 3 is now available at 
http://nmi3.eu/newsletter/inside-nmi3-3.html . In this issue you will 
find articles about:

- Neutrons and X-rays help investigate new materials for gas turbines

- Assessing exposure to pollution in industrial workplaces

- ICNS early registration deadline

- Call for Proposals for µSR experiments at the SµS

- First NMI3-II General Assembly in Berlin

We hope that you enjoy your reading!
The NMI3 Coordination team

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