[Neutron] MDANSE2014 – school: Molecular Dynamics (and Lattice Dynamics) to Analyse Ne =?win dows-1252?Q?utron_Scattering_Experiments?=

gonzalez gonzalezm at ill.fr
Fri Dec 20 10:37:06 CET 2013

*Dear All,
we would like to announce the following simulation school

*MDANSE2014 – school: Molecular Dynamics (and Lattice Dynamics) to 
Analyse Neutron Scattering Experiments*

*9-10 May 2014, Grenoble (France)*

*This school aims to train the participants in the use of modern 
simulation tools in the context of analyzing and
interpreting experimental, neutron scattering data. It will be focused 
mainly on practical training, so the number
of participants is limited to 30. Taking into account the QENS2014 and 
WINS 2014 conferences in the nearby
location of Autrans from May 11 to May 16 
(http://www.ill.eu/news-events/events/qens-2014-wins-2014/), the
school will be a satellite event. Therefore the school will be focused 
on the use of Molecular Dynamics simulations
to explore diffusive processes on the time scales covered by 
quasielastic neutron scattering spectrometers and
Lattice Dynamics to study phonon dispersion curves and vibrational 
densities of states that are typically measured
with inelastic neutron scattering spectrometers.

More information can be found in the attached file and on the web-site 
http://www.ill.eu/mdanse2014/ from January 2014 onwards.

Please address all enquiries to mdanse(at)ill.eu*

Dr. Miguel A. Gonzalez
Institut Laue Langevin (ILL)
6, rue Jules Horowitz, BP 156
38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, FRANCE

Tel: +33 (0)
Fax: +33 (0)
E-mail: gonzalez at ill.fr

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