[Neutron] Next three milestone articles in Quantum Beam Science - 2017.04.26 - [QuBS]

Klaus-Dieter Liss liss at kdliss.de
Wed Apr 26 23:30:29 CEST 2017

*Next three milestone articles in Quantum Beam Science*


Three more papers appeared in the new journal /Quantum Beam Science/in 
its Special Issue /Facilities/. They represent milestone articles, as 
they are the first contribution to classes of quantum beams, namely 
synchrotron and neutron radiation. We continue accepting manuscripts for 
a Topical Collection /Facilities/, which is intended to appear as a 
book, later this year.

The first synchrotron contribution is authored by Jeffrey Cutler, Dean 
Chapman, Les Dallin and Robert Lamb, revealing a medium-energy (3 GeV) 
third-generation synchrotron source, they highlight their 15 operational 
beamlines and 5 under construction, covering a wide range of 
applications inboth science and industry. /“//A synchrotron is often 
characterized as a //'//Big Science//'//facility, when in fact it is a 
large source of electromagnetic radiation simultaneously serving a very 
large number of //'//Small Science//'//stations.” /The article will be 
an excellentreference for the many thousandsof the small experiments 
conducted here.

/Neutron Sources at the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of the Joint 
Institute for Nuclear Research /are presented by Valery N. Shvetsov [2], 
describing the very unique pulsed nuclear reactor and 18 instruments 
covering the experimental hall. Examples on applications like the 
determination of modulated structures and magnetism in a new iron oxide, 
stable under high pressure and temperature, are given. Another 
unconventional neutron source is the accelerator-driven IREN for the 
production of less-commonly used resonance neutrons, susceptible for 
studying the resonances in the nuclei. Likewise the article is exposed 
as reference to experimentalists using these facilities.

Margaret Elcombe presents the first historical article on /Neutron 
Scattering at HIFAR—Glimpses of the Past/[3], as an example of how 
neutron scattering evolved to what itis nowadays. Several first reactors 
around the world have been installed in the 1950's and neutron 
scattering was born. So at the HIFAR reactor in Australia. Stories and 
techniques are described here which ought to be forgotten for the 
younger generations of scientists, such as the introduction of computers 
for instrument control. There are developments like phase-space matching 
on a primary and secondary spectrometer, which is evident on modern 
machines, and exotic trials, like recording of neutron Kikuchi patterns. 
This article already stimulates other facilities to write up their history.

More on /Quantum Beam Science/will come in the near future. Because of 
the many requests for submitting further papers, the Special Issue 
/Facilities/has now been converted to a Topical Collection of same name, 
accepting continuously manuscripts, which will be peer-reviewed and 
published immediately after acceptance. Later this year, we envisage to 
offer this collection as a book.


1. Cutler, J.; Chapman, D.; Dallin, L.; Lamb, R. The Brightest Light in 
Canada: The Canadian Light Source. /Quantum Beam Sci./ *2017*, /1/, 4.

2. Shvetsov, V. N. Neutron Sources at the Frank Laboratory of Neutron 
Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. /Quantum Beam Sci./ 
*2017*, /1/, 6.

3. Elcombe, M. Neutron Scattering at HIFAR—Glimpses of the Past. 
/Quantum Beam Sci./ *2017*, /1/, 5.

Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Liss
Editor-in-Chief - Quantum Beam Science

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