[Neutron] [ICNS 2017] Online Registration system is now Open.

ICNS 2017 Secretariat icns2017 at icns2017.org
Fri Apr 28 13:11:05 CEST 2017





International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2017

July9-13, 2017, DCC, Daejeon, Korea


The International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2017 (ICNS2017) will be held from July 9 to 13, 2017 in Daejeon, Republic of Korea. The ICNS is the largest international platform for sharing and exchanging the latest advances in neutron scattering science, which will bring together scientists from a wide range of disciplines including physics, biology, chemistry, materials science, engineering materials, earth science, neutron sources and instrumentations.


Online Registration system is now open.

All participants must pay the registration fee. At least one of the authors on your abstract must register, and co-authors do not need to register unless they plan to participate in the meeting. Once your abstract is accepted, then you will need to register for the meeting. Conference registration fees may be paid online. The registration fee includes access to the meeting for either the whole conference, receptions, coffee breaks, and lunches. 


The Early Registration deadline is Wednesday, May 31. (http://www.icns2017.org/registration.php)



Plenary Speakers

- Pengcheng Dai (Rice University, USA)

- Victoria Garcia-Sakai (ISIS, UK)

- Peter Müller-Buschbaum (Technical University Munich, Germany)

- Hideo Hosono (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

- Tim Lodge (University of Minnesota, USA)

- Jean-Marie Tarascon (The College de France, France)


Proceeding Submission

ICNS 2017 Organizing Committee invites all the participants to submit proceeding papers based on the submitted abstract. All submitted papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of "Physica B" (Elsevier)after peer-reviewing process. The submission deadline is August 9, 2017.


Sponsorship and Exhibition Information

The ICNS2017 provides excellent opportunities to advertise your organizations, products and services. We have various sponsorship and exhibition packages available. For more information, please refer to the ICNS2017 Sponsorship and Exhibition Prospectus ( <http://www.icns2017.org/sponsorship.php> http://www.icns2017.org/sponsorship.php) or contact the conference secretariat (icns2017 at icns2017.org). 



We look forward to meeting you in Daejeon, Korea !


ICNS2017 is organized by 

- Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)

- Korean Neutron Beam Users Association (KNBUA)


ICNS2017 Secretariat

E-mail:  <file:///C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary%20Internet%20Files\Content.Outlook\KHHAVV51\icns2017@icns2017.org> icns2017 at icns2017.org

Website:  <http://www.biomag2016.org/> http://www.icns2017.org

Tel: +82-42-472-7460

Fax: +82-42-472-7459


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