[Neutron] open positions at GTIIT - Materials and Quantum Beams - PhD Positions - Reserarch Fellow positons

Klaus-Dieter Liss - GTIIT klaus-dieter.liss at gtiit.edu.cn
Thu Feb 1 16:31:01 CET 2018

Several positions are to be filled at the
Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

in the topics of

* Modern Diffraction Methods for Thermo Mechanical Processes
* Time Response to Materials Stimulus

One to two Research Fellow positions on postdoctoral level

Two postgraduate positions in the PhD program



Yours, Klaus-Dieter Liss

Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Liss
Materials and Engineering Science Program
Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Materials and Quantum Beams – China Center of Excellence

241 Daxue Lu, Jinping Qu
Shantou 515063
Guangdong, China

M: klaus-dieter.liss at gtiit.edu.cn
T: +86-0754-88077102
H: +86-136-7612-7052
S: 667052
W: http://www.gtiit.edu.cn/en/
W: http://www.gtiit.edu.cn/en/viewStaff.aspx?staffNo=9
R: Administration Building A324

news: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/iqs2dO4EtPXPl8pyCsdmGw

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