2018 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jan 4 22:55:13 CET 2018
Ending: Fri Dec 21 15:20:06 CET 2018
Messages: 238
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral fellowship and PhD scholarships in biophysics of ionic liquids
Benedetto Antonio (PSI)
- [Neutron] Swiss Spallation Neutron Source SINQ - call for proposals I/18
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Friendly reminder: Swiss Spallation Neutron Source SINQ - call for proposals I/18
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] SINQ - call for proposals II-18
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Friendly reminder: SINQ - call for proposals II-18
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] International fellowship program: PSI-FELLOW-II-3i
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] MLZ hosts SNI 2018: Abstract Deadline extended to May 11th, 2018!
SNI 2018
- [Neutron] ORNL 2018-B neutron scattering proposal call: HFIR newsletter for hard condensed matter users
Aczel, Adam A.
- [Neutron] ORNL 2019-A neutron scattering proposal call: HFIR newsletter for hard condensed matter users
Aczel, Adam A.
- [Neutron] Call for proposal on French neutron scattering instruments : deadline April 1st at 23:59
- [Neutron] Call for proposals on French neutron scattering instruments : last days
- [Neutron] Support to organization of Specialized Neutron and Muon Schools in Europe - call for proposals : deadline November 1st 2018
- [Neutron] Call for proposals on French neutron scattering instruments : 1/11 (last call for Orphée)
- [Neutron] Support to organization of Specialized Neutron and Muon Schools in Europe - deadline November 1st 2018
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Post-doc for the ESS neutron test beamline at HZB
Ken Andersen
- [Neutron] Instrument Scientist Position for LOKI at ESS
Ken Andersen
- [Neutron] Instrument Scientist Position for BEER at ESS
Ken Andersen
- [Neutron] Instrument Scientist position for ODIN at ESS
Ken Andersen
- [Neutron] The Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Neutron Scattering in 2019 at Hong Kong
Masatoshi Arai
- [Neutron] Postdoc at the Materials Physics Center in San Sebastian (Spain)
Arantxa Arbe
- [Neutron] Ikerbasque Research Positions in Neutronics
Arantxa Arbe
- [Neutron] NBIA7 workshop-school on ESS Science : Deciphering the hidden dynamics of Soft Matter - INVITATION
Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
- [Neutron] SANS scientific associate position at the NIST CNR
Paul Butler
- [Neutron] CERIC-ERIC Call for Proposals is now open
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Research Associate - Applications of Polarized Neutron Scattering to Quantum Materials
Cao, Huibo
- [Neutron] CERIC-ERIC Call for proposal now open
Nicoletta Carboni
- [Neutron] Press release: H2020 project PaNOSC officially started to contribute making FAIR data a reality.
Nicoletta Carboni
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Powder Diffraction Instrument Scientist / NB50661323
Cherry, Steve J.
- [Neutron] URGENT Inscription Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique JDN 2018
LE-COEUR Clemence
- [Neutron] Reminder: 10th AONSA Neutron School, Sydney, Australia
David Cortie
- [Neutron] Neutrons and Biology" School 2018 - Registration now open
Viviana Cristiglio
- [Neutron] "Neutrons and Biology" School 2018 - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JULY 13
Viviana Cristiglio
- [Neutron] MLZ Conference 2018 Neutrons for Culture and Art: Deadline for Early Birds and abstracts on March 25th!
Neutrons for Culture
- [Neutron] PhD Position: Development of cryogenic neutron moderators within the HBS project - Forschungszentrum Juelich
Daegener, Barbara
- [Neutron] PhD position in research with magnetic nanoparticles
Sabrina Disch
- [Neutron] Postdoc position in neutron reflectometry and ellipsometry
Thomas Ederth
- [Neutron] Reminder: MDANSE 2018 school - simulation samples and spectrometers - deadline May 31st
Emmanuel FARHI
- [Neutron] IFF Spring School 26.02.18 - Physics of Life - some places still available
- [Neutron] 50th IFF Spring School 2019 (save the date)
- [Neutron] IFF Spring School 2019 "Scattering! Soft, Functional and Quantum Materials": Registration is open
- [Neutron] IFF Spring School 2019 "Scattering! Soft, Functional and Quantum Materials": registration deadline approaching **don't fail to reserve your place**
- [Neutron] Announcing the 12th NOBUGS 2018 - New Opportunities for Better User Group Software Conference
Farnsworth, Richard
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Quantum Materials at ORNL
Fernandez-Baca, Jaime A.
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Quantum Materials at ORNL
Fernandez-Baca, Jaime A.
- [Neutron] Neutrons and Food: Registration now open; two weeks remaining to submit abstracts and travel support [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Neutrons and Food
- [Neutron] Important updates incl. international travel support for Neutrons and Food conference [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Neutrons and Food
- [Neutron] School & Workshop on Neutron Spin-Echo Spectroscopy 8-12 October 2018, Grenoble, France
Peter Fouquet
- [Neutron] Reminder: NSE Workshop 2018
Peter Fouquet
- [Neutron] international summer school on "Thermodynamics and Energetics in Soft Matter Systems"
Giovanna Fragneto
- [Neutron] Job Posting
Frejka, Jean M
- [Neutron] Job ID 1411 - Materials Characterization Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Frejka, Jean M
- [Neutron] Job ID 1419 - Materials Characterization Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Frejka, Jean M
- [Neutron] Job ID 1420 - Materials Characterization Post-doctoral Research Associate
Frejka, Jean M
- [Neutron] Position available: Postdoctoral fellow in X-ray and Neutron Reflectometry (2 yrs)
Christoph Frommen
GILBERT, Elliot Paul
- [Neutron] Neutrons and Food - Early Bird registration closes in less than 3 weeks [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
GILBERT, Elliot Paul
- [Neutron] Neutrons and Food 5 - Oct 16 - 19, 2018 - 1 week until early bird registration closes [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
GILBERT, Elliot Paul
- [Neutron] strain stress and texture in steels - Personal Invitation from QuBS special issue: "Strain, Stress and Texture analysis with Quantum Beams" [QuBS]
Klaus-Dieter Liss - GTIIT
- [Neutron] open positions at GTIIT - Materials and Quantum Beams - PhD Positions - Reserarch Fellow positons
Klaus-Dieter Liss - GTIIT
- [Neutron] Special Issue on Magnetic Materials and Magnetism
Klaus-Dieter Liss - GTIIT
- [Neutron] First Call for Expressions of Interest for Collaborative Partner Organisations in the Partnership for Soft Condensed Matter at ILL and ESRF
Yuri Gerelli
- [Neutron] Registration open: MLZ Conference 2018 "Neutrons for Culture and Arts", June 19-22, 2018
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Announcement: Worshop Membranes Beyomd, July 2-4, 2018, McMaster University
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Extended deadline MLZ Conference Neutrons for Culture and Art: April 20, 2018
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Two days left: April 20, 2018, deadline abstract submission MLZ Conference Neutrons for Culture and Art
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Registration Open: Membranes Beyond, 2nd Announcement
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Save the date: JCNS Workshop 2018, Oct. 29 to Nov. 1 2018, Tutzing, Germany
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Deadline registration Workshop Membranes Beyond: May 30, 2018
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Deadline abstract submission JCNS Workshop 2018: June 15, 2018
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Reminder: Deadline abstract submission JCNS Workshop 2018: June 15, 2018
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Open position: PhD student at JCNS
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Extended deadline JCNS Workshop 2018, abstract submission
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Reminder: Abstract submission deadine JCNS Workshop 2018, June 25, 2018
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Deadline registration Sept.1 2018, JCNS Workshop 2018
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Reminder: Deadline registration Sept.1 2018, JCNS Workshop 2018
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Career opportunity: Neutron Scattering Data Analysis in Sydney, Australia [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Final reminder: NCNR/CHRNS Summer School
Hernandez, Yamali (Fed)
- [Neutron] CHRNS/NCNR Call For Proposals
Hernandez, Yamali (Fed)
- [Neutron] Last reminder: CHRNS/NCNR Call For Proposals
Hernandez, Yamali (Fed)
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 17/Post-Doc11)_ Postdoctoral research fellow in Structural Biology M/F
recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 18/05)
recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Recruiting the manager of the Sample Environment group at ANSTO [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] AINSE-ANBUG Neutron Scattering Symposium, AANSS-2018
Gail Iles
- [Neutron] AINSE-ANBUG Neutron Scattering Symposium, AANSS-2018
Gail Iles
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoc - Neutron Reflectivity Studies of Corrosion Mechanisms at Molten Salt/Alloy Interface / NB50659878
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Powder Diffraction Instrument Scientist / NB50661323
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ONRL: Power Electronics Engineer / NB50662822
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Low Level Radio Frequency (RF) Engineer / NB50662777
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Mechanical Engineer - Superconducting Linac Systems / NB50662831
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: High Power Radio Frequency (RF) Engineer / NB50663551
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Total Scattering and Nanostructured Materials / NB50665093
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Advanced Modeling of Local Atomic Structure / NB50665096
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Experiment Safety Engineer / NB50666827
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Molecular Biologist / Structural Biologist / NB50675244
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Sample Environment Technician / NB50675349
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Nuclear Fabrication / Systems Engineer / NB50677621
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Applications of Neutron Scattering to Quantum Matter / NB50676541
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Applications of Neutron Scattering to Soft Matter and Polymers / NB50676546
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Neutron Scattering in Materials Science and Materials Engineering / NB50676601
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Neutron Scattering in Chemistry, Catalysis and Interfaces / NB50676608
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Applications of Neutron Scattering to Biological Materials / NB50676615
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoc in Applications of Computing, Modeling and Data Analytics to NS Materials Research / NB50676624
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Quantum Materials / NB50689614
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ONRL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Neutron Imaging Scientist / NB50690044
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Applications of Neutron Scattering to Deformation of Materials / NB50691116
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting - R&D Staff - SANS Instrument Scientist / NB50693632
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting - Senior R&D Staff - SANS Instrument Scientist / NB50693637
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Accelerator Physics Applications Developer
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Accelerator Physicist
Johnson, Nicia R.
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Associate.
Kaiser, Helmut
- [Neutron] J-PARC Symposium 2019
Yukinobu Kawakita
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral position at Michigan State University (Xianglin Ke)
Xianglin Ke
- [Neutron] Announcement of 2018 MMRRSA school
Khalifah, Peter
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral position in ab initio modeling and neutron scattering of molten salts at MIT
Boris Khaykovich
- [Neutron] PhD position in Dijon, France
SAJ Kimber
- [Neutron] Two PhD Positions in Spintronic Materials at GTIIT, China / Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
Frank Klose
- [Neutron] Postdoc position in neutron physics at SMI
Gertrud Konrad
- [Neutron] Ph.D. position in neutron physics at SMI
Gertrud Konrad
- [Neutron] 2nd Nordic/Baltic School on neutron scattering, Tartu 8-21 September 2018
Kim Lefmann
- [Neutron] In memorial of Serge Pujol
Eddy Lelièvre-Berna
- [Neutron] Call for PhD projects at the ILL
Marie-Hélène Lemée-Cailleau
- [Neutron] VITESS 3.4 released
Lieutenant, Klaus
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral position for neutron imaging sensor development at the University of Tennessee
Lukosi, Eric Daniel
- [Neutron] Time, Work and Function: time resolved synchrotron and neutron techniques for studies of soft, biological and hard matter (TWF2018)
Reidar Lund
- [Neutron] Recruiting three neutron-instrument scientists at ANSTO [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]
- [Neutron] JDN 2018
Lucile Mangin-Thro
- [Neutron] [JDN2018] Gentle reminder
Lucile Mangin-Thro
- [Neutron] JDN2018 - abstract deadline extended
Lucile Mangin-Thro
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Neutron and X-ray Scattering / NB50682386
Manley, Michael E.
- [Neutron] Vacancy at ESS: Senior Officer for the Scientific Coordination and User Office
Sara Margaryan
- [Neutron] Vacancy at ESS: Lead Scientist – Centralized Polarization System for Neutron Scattering Instruments
Sara Margaryan
- [Neutron] DiffEngMat School (Diffraction on Energy Materials) - ILL and ESS European User Meeting
Diffraction on Energy Materials
- [Neutron] Postdoc positions in neutron and x-ray scattering at Ames Lab
Robert McQueeney
- [Neutron] 9th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology
Meilleur, Flora
- [Neutron] 9th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology
Meilleur, Flora
- [Neutron] Research Fellow Positions (Postdoc Level) in Spintronic Materials at Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, China
Osborn, Raymond
- [Neutron] Neutronics/Nuclear roles at UKAEA
Packer, Lee
- [Neutron] BornAgain School and User Meeting announcement
Gennady Pospelov
- [Neutron] Postdoc position at Indiana University
Pynn, Roger
- [Neutron] Neutrons for Chemistry and Materials Science Applications"
Ramirez-Cuesta, Anibal J.
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Research Associate - Physical Chemist / NB50665063
Ramirez-Cuesta, Anibal J.
- [Neutron] Announcing NIST/ORNL Representational Analysis and Magnetic Structure (RAMS) School--Summer 2018
Ratcliff, William D. (Fed)
- [Neutron] Second announcement of NIST/ORNL Representational Analysis and Magnetic Structure (RAMS) School--Summer 2018
Ratcliff, William D. (Fed)
- [Neutron] Third announcement of NIST/ORNL Representational Analysis and Magnetic Structure (RAMS) School--Summer 2018
Ratcliff, William D. (Fed)
- [Neutron] ILL - Vacancy for a SCIENTIST - Ref 18/04
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - Ref 18/15
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a Material Research Engineer M/F at ILL - (ref 18/35)
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - Ref 18/37
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a Linux Group Leader at ILL - (ref 18/36)
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 18/49)
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a Scientific Software Programmers (M/F) at ILL - (ref 18/53)
- [Neutron] User Committee for the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum
Adrian Rennie
- [Neutron] Summer school for magnetism and neutrons
Efrain E. Rodriguez
- [Neutron] SAS2018 : Call for Abstracts
SAS2018 Conference in Traverse City, Michigan, USA
- [Neutron] SAS2018: Second Meeting Notice
SAS2018 Conference in Traverse City, Michigan, USA
- [Neutron] SAS2018 : Registration is open, Abstracts deadline extended to April 16
SAS2018 Conference in Traverse City, Michigan, USA
- [Neutron] Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: 15 March 2018 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Reminder: Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: 15 March 2018 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: 15 September 2018 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Reminder: Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: 15 September 2018 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] 10th AONSA Neutron School - Abstract submission deadline is approaching [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
- [Neutron] 10th AONSA Neutron School - Abstract submission deadline extended till June 20th [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Scientific DevOps Engineer at ISIS. Closing date: 13th Jan 2019
Anders Markvardsen - UKRI STFC
Antonella Scherillo - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] PNCMI 2018 Conference Abstract Submission and Conference Registration deadline has been extended by one week until the 8th of May.
Christy Kinane - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] MMM-Intermag Conference, Jan 14-18, 2019 Washington DC Nominations for Invited Speakers and Symposia submission deadline May 25th
Christy Kinane - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Scientific Computing Section Group Leader, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source (IRC245556)
Freddie Akeroyd - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Senior Software Engineer – Controls and Data Streaming, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source (IRC245520)
Freddie Akeroyd - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy User Group Meeting, MSSM2018, 6-7 Nov 2018
Hamish Cavaye - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy User Group Meeting, MSSM2018, 6-7 Nov 2018
Hamish Cavaye - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Junior Software Scientist roles for early career or recent PhD graduates
Nick Draper - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] ISIS Large Scale Structures User Group Meeting on 1st and 2nd November 2018
Sarah Rogers - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] SasView 4.2.0 released!
Stephen King - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Job opportunity in the Mantid team at ISIS, UK
Stephen King - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Post-doc in neutron scattering software development at ISIS
Toby Perring - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Horace & SpinW workshop 21-25 January 2019
Toby Perring - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Scientific Data Analysis Software Developer / Research Software Engineer
Toby Perring - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Senior Scientific Data Analysis Software Developer / Research Software Engineer and Technical Architect
Toby Perring - UKRI STFC
- [Neutron] Job announcement - neutron powder diffraction
Jan Saroun
- [Neutron] Position PostDoc Neutron Physics / Vienna / TU WIEN / ATOMINSTITUT
Schneider, Stephan
- [Neutron] AONSA 2018 school [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
AONSA Neutron School
- [Neutron] CETS 2018
Central European Training School
- [Neutron] CETS2019
Central European Training School
- [Neutron] Call for PhD projects at the ILL
ILL Graduate School
- [Neutron] FRM II: Instrument Scientist for Neutron Imaging
Michael Schulz
- [Neutron] 53rd REIMEI International Workshop "New Excitations in Spintronics", Renvyle, Connemara (Ireland), from 10 to 13 February 2019
Marie-Hélène Lemée-Cailleau on behalf of Spintronics2019
- [Neutron] PostDoc position for building a SAXS option for the D22 instrument at ILL
Tobias Unruh
- [Neutron] Instrument Scientist Position for Energy-Resolved Neutron Imaging at LANSCE
Vogel, Sven C
- [Neutron] McStas user survey 2018
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] [mcstas-users] McStas user survey 2018
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] McStas 2.5 release
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] SINE2020 Workshop on Neutron Scattering Data Analysis Software, 6-8 June 2018, Soragna, Italy - now open for registration
Joachim Wuttke
- [Neutron] Workshop on Data Analysis Software, June 2018, Soragna, Italy - registration closes this Thursday
Joachim Wuttke
- [Neutron] Open position at JCNS-MLZ: Scientific Software Developer with background in crystallography, physics, or mathematics
Joachim Wuttke
- [Neutron] QENS/WINS 2018, July 15-20, City University of Hong Kong
Prof. WANG Xun-Li
- [Neutron] Reminder: QENS-WINS 2018, July 15-20, City University of Hong Kong
Prof. WANG Xun-Li
- [Neutron] 2018 Croucher Summer School on Neutron Scattering, July 8-14, at City University of Hong Kong
Prof. WANG Xun-Li
- [Neutron] 2018 Croucher Summer School on Neutron Scattering, July 8-14, at City University of Hong Kong
Prof. WANG Xun-Li
- [Neutron] Hong Kong PhD Fellowship in neutron scattering studies
Prof. WANG Xun-Li
- [Neutron] PSND2018 - Announcement and Call for Abstracts
Karl Zeitelhack
- [Neutron] Postdoc and GRA Positions in Physics and Chemistry of Liquids at UIUC
Yang Zhang
- [Neutron] Physics of Liquids sessions at APS March Meeting
Yang Zhang
- [Neutron] 22nd JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering: September 3-14, 2018
Reiner Zorn
- [Neutron] 22nd JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering: Deadline May 13!
Reiner Zorn
- [Neutron] PhD-position 2018: A novel neutronics model of the solid D2 ultracold neutron converter at PSI aiming for increasing the source intensity
Geza Zsigmond
- [Neutron] 2019 International School of Crystallography in Erice -- Magnetic Crystallography (apply by 30 Nov)
- [Neutron] MDANSE 2018 - instrument and material modelling school - Sept 24-28 2018 - Tenerife
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a scientific software programmer at ILL
- [Neutron] UM Macao Post-doctoral Fellowship
- [Neutron] HZB BER II - Call for Proposals 2018_II
gast at helmholtz-berlin.de
- [Neutron] [HZB] Call HFM/EXED - Deadline: 13 May 2018
gast at helmholtz-berlin.de
- [Neutron] [HZB] Call HFM/EXED - friendly reminder - Deadline: 13 May 2018
gast at helmholtz-berlin.de
- [Neutron] [HZB] CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2019 I - Last Opportunity to carry out neutron experiments at BER II
gast at helmholtz-berlin.de
- [Neutron] CORRECTION [HZB] CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2019 I - Last Opportunity to carry out neutron experiments at BER II
gast at helmholtz-berlin.de
- [Neutron] Friendly Reminder - [HZB] CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2019 I - Last Opportunity to carry out neutron experiments at BER II
gast at helmholtz-berlin.de
- [Neutron] [HZB] 8th HFM/EXED proposal Deadline
gast at helmholtz-berlin.de
- [Neutron] MATRAC 1 School 'Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science' to be held in Lauenburg and Hamburg, Germany, September 2 to 7, 2018
Nicola.Kampner at hzg.de
- [Neutron] Invitation to MATRAC 1 School 'Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science' to be held in Lauenburg and Hamburg, Germany, September 2 to 7, 2018
Nicola.Kampner at hzg.de
- [Neutron] Neutron scattering scientists job openings
jkzhao at iphy.ac.cn
- [Neutron] MLZ hosts SNI 2018: End of Early Bird Registration on July 02nd, 2018!
sni2018 at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] MLZ hosts SNI 2018: Registration ends on August 31st, 2018!
sni2018 at mlz-garching.de
- [Neutron] First announcement - ANSTO-HZB neutron school 23rd-28th June 2019 [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]
- [Neutron] FRM II / MLZ: New position instrument scientist
presse at frm2.tu-muenchen.de
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 18/45)
- [Neutron] "Neutrons and Biology" School 2018
giorgio schiro
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 69
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 70
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 71
- [Neutron] Invitation to MATRAC 2 School
info at sine2020.eu
- [Neutron] Synchrotron Radiation and Neutron in Art and Archaeology conference
antonella.scherillo at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] IOP: Magnetism 2018 meeting, 9-10 April 2018, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
christy.kinane at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Abstract and Registration now open for Polarized Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigations (PNCMI) 2018, 3rd-6th July 2018, Abingdon, UK
christy.kinane at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Polarized Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigations (PNCMI) 2018, 3rd-6th July 2018, Abingdon, UK
ross.stewart at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Vacancy for Postdoctoral Researcher at Argonne National Laboratory
te Velthuis, Suzanne G.E.
- [Neutron] Degree at Technion: graduate student positions with neutron and synchrotron radiation + Research Fellow positions
kdliss at technion.ac.il
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Research Associate in neutron instrumentation / sample environment
- [Neutron] Associate Scientist / Scientist Position in Polarized Neutron scattering/instrumentation
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Research Associate -- inelastic neutron scatterings and time-of-flight neutron spectrometer
Last message date:
Fri Dec 21 15:20:06 CET 2018
Archived on: Mon Feb 10 09:37:17 CET 2020
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