[Neutron] Neutrons for Chemistry and Materials Science Applications"

Ramirez-Cuesta, Anibal J. ramirezcueaj at ornl.gov
Tue Mar 6 17:16:22 CET 2018

Erice School on Neutron Science and Instrumentation

Want to know more about neutron instrumentation, sample environments or software development? Join us in Sicily! Register today for the Erice School “Neutrons for Chemistry and Materials Science Applications” that will take place in Erice, Sicily from July 4-13, 2018.


The primary aims are to educate the next generation of instrument scientists in instrument design, promote collaboration between large scale facilities in instrumentation, and the realities when realizing instrument projects. This year, we include sample environment and software, which are traditionally after-thoughts in the design process. The school is relevant to anyone involved in any aspect of instrument and sample environment design, and software development.


Paul Henry & Timmy Ramirez-Cuesta

2018 Erice school organisers
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