[Neutron] 16 - 19 June 2020: MLZ Conference 2020 “ Neutrons for Life Sciences” – Registration and abstract submission open now!

mlz-conference-2020 at mlz-garching.de mlz-conference-2020 at mlz-garching.de
Tue Jan 14 18:14:36 CET 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that abstract submission and registration for 
the MLZ Conference 2020 which is dedicated to

*Neutrons for Life Sciences *

is open now! This conference welcomes and encourages contributions and 
participation from the international neutron user community and from 
scientists curious to learn more about the applications of neutrons in 
this interdisciplinary research area.

The conference addresses the following topics:

  * Protein structure, function and dynamics
  * Membrane structure, function and dynamics
  * Drug design and delivery
  * Biological surface and interfaces
  * Neutron methods in biology
  * Life Sciences with neutrons in Russia
  * Complementary methods

It is going to be held at the *Arabella Brauneck Hotel Lenggries,* a 
beautiful place in the Bavarian Alps, not far from Munich, from Tuesday, 
*16 June* to Friday,*19 June 2020.*

For abstract submission, which is open until*29 February,*  and 
registration, please refer to our web-site: 
We would be very grateful, if you could circulate this information to 
colleagues who might be interested in.

Best wishes,

Peter Müller-Buschbaum and Stephan Förster

MLZ Conference 2020: Neutrons for Life Sciences 
16 - 19 June 2020, Arabella Brauneck Hotel, Lenggries, Germany

Prof. Dr. Peter Müller-Buschbaum, Prof. Dr. Stephan Förster

Local organizing team:
Andreas Ostermann <mailto:andreas.ostermann at frm2.tum.de>, Tobias 
Schrader <mailto:t.schrader at fz-juelich.de>
Bjoern Pedersen, Monika Krug, Elisabeth Joerg-Mueller

phone number: +49 89 289-14966
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Zentrum (MLZ)
Lichtenbergstraße 1
85748 Garching, Germany

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