[Neutron] Announcing the PSI Summer Camp 2020: Topology and Condensed Matter

Useroffice (PSI) useroffice at psi.ch
Mon Apr 6 07:13:20 CEST 2020

Dear colleagues and friends

We announce the first PSI Summer Camp 2020 in Zuoz, Switzerland. It will take place from Monday 17 August through Thursday 20 August, with a focus on topological aspects in condensed matter. The website of the camp is: https://indico.psi.ch/event/8386/

The PSI Summer Camp is a new initiative with the goal to provide a forum for leading scientists to meet and discuss the fundamental aspects and open questions of current scientific interest. It follows a more than 20 year tradition to hold condensed matter schools at the Lyceum Alpinum in Zuoz. The Lyceum provides a lively and informal environment for scientific discussions.

The Summer Camp 2020 will focus on topological aspects in condensed matter, and will cover keynote lectures on topology, frustrated magnetism, topological band structures, 2D materials, topological superconductivity, skyrmions, the use of topology in applications and out-of-equilibrium phases. You will find a list of invited speakers here: https://indico.psi.ch/event/8386/page/1769-speakers

Please register before May 15 for the Summer Camp using the registration form: https://indico.psi.ch/event/8386/registrations/1193/ Acceptance of your registration will be communicated by May 30. Payment will only be due after acceptance to the event.

We are monitoring the ongoing global health crisis caused by COVID-19. In case the crisis extends into the summer, we will organize a virtual event. If you are interested to participate in a virtual event, please indicate so in your registration.

We hope you remain safe and healthy in this difficult time, and hope to see you at the PSI Summer Camp this year.

Michel Kenzelmann, on behalf of the Program Committee

Program Committee:
Michel Kenzelmann, chairman
Simon Gerber
Zurab Guguchia
Roman Mankowsky
Ekaterina Pomjakushina
Zaher Salman
Ming Shi
Jonathan White
Oksana Zaharko

School Secretary:
Renate Bercher

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