Workshop on Nuetron Scattering Instrument Design
Hjelm, Rex
hjelm_rex at
Mon Sep 16 14:48:40 CDT 1996
Workshop on
"Methods for Neutron Scattering Instrument Design"
Meeting Goals
In view of the current level of activity worldwide associated with the design and
construction of new, next-generation neutron sources, it appears highly desirable
to review the design tools and techniques available to the neutron scattering
community fo
1. Review the present situation regarding approaches to neutron scattering
instrument design and the tools available for this purpose.
2. Determine the present and future needs of the neutron scattering community
regarding techniques and design tools for neutron scattering instrument design.
3. Given that these tools can be used in a variety of ways for:
- Analysis of existing instruments,
- Design of new instruments,
- Optimization of existing or new instruments,
- Planning of experiments,
- Teaching,
how do we best address the needs of the community in these various categories?
Where do we focus future efforts? How do we share information and codes between
different institutions?
4. How can we validate our design tools? How do we implement proposal mechanisms
that would allow beam time to be devoted to instrument development and code
benchmarking? Should we create dedicated beamlines to test neutron optical
elements, measure their
5. How do we measure instrument performance? Should we define "standard" test to
measure instrument performance? What are meaningful figures of merit?
Some of these questions will be addressed directly by invited speakers. Others are
appropriate topics for discussions between the meeting participants.
Meeting Dates and Location
We have scheduled the workshop for September 23-25, 1996 at Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. If you wish to receive further
information, please fill out the form at the end of this document and return it to:
Molly O. Field
MS 65
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, California 94720
or contact one of the organizers. Information and registration forms are
available at our WEBsite at
Meeting Organization
Organizing Committee:
I. Anderson (Institut Laue-Langevin)
J. Copley (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
K. Crawford (Argonne National Laboratory)
L.L. Daemen (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
W. Hamilton (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
R.P. Hjelm (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
M. Johnson (Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory)
G. Kearley (Institut Laue-Langevin)
Meeting format
* Sessions will consist of (invited) oral presentations focused on broad overviews.
We will try to limit formal presentations to 3 or 4 hours per day to leave ample
room for discussions. During these discussions, participants are invited to make
brief (5-
* Computers (PC, Mac, Workstation) and printers will be made available to
participants for code demos. Direct access to the Internet will be provided to
simplify the transfer of codes to the local computers and/or allow demos to be run
* The proceedings of the Workshop will be published either as an EO-LBNL report or
in an archival journal.
M. Bourke (LANL)
J. Browne (LANL)
T. Brun (LANL)
J. Carpenter, (ANL)
J Copley (NIST)
K. Crawford (ANL)
B. Czirr (MSI)
B. David (ISIS)
L. Daemen (LANL)
M. Fitzsimmons (LANL)
P. Ferguson (LANL)
A. Freund (ESRF/ILL)
R. Gaehler (TUM)
W. Hamilton (ORNL)
C. Hayes (ILL)
G. Ice (ORNL)
M. Johnson (RAL)
M. Khan (CXrL)
M. Lampton (Stellar Software)
D. Martin (ISIS)
F. Mezei (HMI),
G. Olah (LANL)
W. Oosterhuis (BES/MS)
L. Passell (BNL)
M. Popovici (U. Missouri)
T. Reiker (SANDIA/UNM)
R. Pynn (LANL)
J. Roberts (LANL)
L. Robertson (ORNL)
R. Robinson (LANL).
N. Rosov (NIST)
P. Seeger (LANL)
D. Sivia (RAL)
G. Smith (LANL)
S. Spooner (ORNL)
P. Thiyagarajan, (ANL)
H. Tiezte (ISIS/KFA)
F. Trouw (ANL)
W. Wagner (PSI),
U. Wildgruber (BNL)
G. Williams (ISIS)
I. Zalzinyak (JHU/NIST)
C. Zeyen (ILL)
Tentative Meeting Agenda
Wecome and meeting goals
9:00-9:30 - TBA
Session 1: Design Tools for X-ray Scattering Instruments
Topics - Overview of design tools currently available
- How are these tools being used and by whom ?
- What was the general approach/philosophy followed in the development of these
tools ? What was the history of the developments of these design tools ?
- How is the development of these tools supported ?
- What are future directions for the development of these tools ?
Chairman:: J.R.D. Copley
9:30 - 10:10: G.E. Ice (ORNL) - Modeling of x-ray beamlines and devices.
10:10 - 10:30: Break
10:30 - 11:10: A. Freund (ILL/ESRF) - Common aspects and basic differences of
optical devices for x-ray and neutron optics & design optimization of synchrotron
radiation beamlines.
11:10-11:50 M. Khan (U. Wisconsin) - SHADOW
11:50 - 12:30 Open discussion: Lessons learned from the x-ray scattering
12:30 - 14:00: Lunch
Session 2: Design Tools for Neutron Scattering Instruments
Topics - Overview of existing tools
- Approaches to neutron scattering instrument design
- Examples of successful designs
- Examples of mistakes and lessons learned
Chairman:: R.P. Hjelm
14:00-14:40: L. Passell (BNL) - Historical Overview of Neutron Instrument Design.
14:40 - 15:20: K. Crawford (ANL) - Approaches to instrument design at pulsed
spallation sources.
15:20 - 15:40: Break
15:40 - 16:20: J. Carpenter (ANL) - Matching instruments and sources.
16:20 - 17:00: Discussion: Lessons learned on neutron instrument design.
Session 3: Instrument Design - Analytical & Numerical Techniques
Topics - Examples of successful instrument design
- Phase space transformation methods
- Ray tracing
- Optimization methods
- Examples of successful instrument design.
- Figures of merit for measuring performance and optimizing instruments.
- Benchmarking: comparison of calculated and measured performance.
- Monte Carlo and other numerical techniques.
- Treatment of background and noise.
Chairman:: W. Hamilton
9:00 - 9:30: M. Johnson (RAL) - Figures of merit.
9:30 - 10:00: D. Sivia (RAL) - Figures of merit: another view.
10:00 - 10:30: B. David (RAL) - Figures of merit: the view from the experimental
10:30 - 11:00: Break
11:00 - 11:40: R. Robinson (LANL) - Matrix methods.
11:40 - 12:30: Discussion.
12:30 - 14:00: Lunch.
Session 4: Instrument Design - Analytical & Numerical Techniques
Chairman:: K. Crawford
14:00-14:35: R. Gaehler (TU Muenchen) - Coherence properties of neutron beams for
scattering instrumentation
14:40 - 15:15: P. Seeger (LANL) - MCLIB, a general Monte Carlo library for
simulation of neutron scattering instruments.
15:15 - 15: 35: Break
15:35 - 16:00: U. Wildgruber (BNL) - NEUTRAK, The Brookhaven Monte Carlo package.
16:00 - 17:00 Discussion: The codes: What can be done to improve code sharing and
collaboration? Other computational aspects.
Session 5: Modeling of Neutron Optical Components
Topics - Overview of existing models.
- Generation of scattering kernels for simulating samples.
- Identify model deficiencies and need for new/improved models.
- Validation of models.
Chairman: L. Daemen
9:00 - 9:40: J.R.D. Copley (NIST) - The design of a reactor-based time-of-flight
9:40 - 10:00: C. Hayes (ILL) - Toroidal mirrors.
10:00 - 10:30: Break
10:30 - 10:50: N. Rosov (NIST) - Modeling components of an neutron spin echo
10:50 - 11:20: C. Zeyen (ILL) - Modeling magnetic optics of an neutron spin echo
11:20 - 11:40: M. Popovici (U. Missouri) - Modeling triple-axis spectrometers
11:40 - 12:30: Discussion
12:30 - 14:00: Lunch
Discussion: Present and Future Needs of the Community
Goals: - Open discussion
Chairman: M. Johnson
14:00 - 14:40 Presentations on the present and future needs for instrumentation
J. Carpenter
R. Pynn
W. Wagner
F. Mezei
14:40 - 16:00 DiscussionÐPresent and future needs of neutron scattering instrument
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