Neutron mailing list summary
Worlton, Thomas
tgworlton at
Fri Mar 19 09:05:00 CST 1999
neutron mailing list subscribers:
I have had a complaint recently about not receiving all the mail from the
neutron mailing list. This may have been caused by some problems we have
been having with our mailing list server. In case some of you missed
messages you are interested in, I will give a summary of recent postings and
how you may see them if you missed them.
Summary for March, 1999
March 8-From John Copley, john at
Subject: Neutron Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron
March 10-From Trevor Hicks, t.j.hicks at
Subject: Postdoctoral position in Australia
March 11-From Spencer Howells, S.Howells at
Subject: ISIS Call for Proposals, Round 99/2
March 16-From Tom Worlton for Jim Richardson, JWRichardson at
Subject: Subject: Staff opening at IPNS (Physical Chemist)
March 17-From Toby Perring, tgp at
Subject: Post doc position available (Magnetic Structure and dynamics . . .)
Viewing these items:
Previous months and/or years of messages can be viewed by changing the year
and/or month in the above URL.
I am not in a position to track down e-mail addresses for people. If you
change e-mail addresses, you should send a "signoff" message from the old
address and a "subscribe" message from the new one, or you can do this
online through the neutron web site at:
Tom Worlton, neutron mailing list manager
tworlton at
Tel: 630-252-8755, Fax: 630-252-4163
More information about the Neutron
mailing list