[Neutron] Symposium "Water Mobility Studies in Reference and Real Clays" at the International Clays Conference

Heloisa N. Bordallo bordallo at nbi.ku.dk
Mon Feb 4 22:40:10 CET 2013

Dear neutron Users,

The deadline for the 15th ICC in Rio is fast approaching.  For those 
interested in probing water mobility at clay mineral surfaces using 
neutrons and/or NMR combined to molecular dynamics simulations, consider 
submitting an abstract to the symposium "Water Mobility Studies in 
Reference and Real Clays" co-convened by Will P. Gates, Laurie Aldridge 
and myself.

Please visit 

Please submit your abstract for this (or any other) symposium by 15 

Visit http://www.15icc.org and http://www.15icc.org/symposia for more 
information on the conference and other symposia.

Looking forward to seeing you in Rio.

Best wishes
Heloisa N. Bordallo
Associate Professor (Lektor)
Niels Bohr Institute
(H.C. Ørsted Institute, bldg. D320)
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 5
Phone: +45 213 088 29
bordallo at nbi.ku.dk

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