[Neutron] Special Issue on Magnetic Materials and Magnetism

Klaus-Dieter Liss - GTIIT klaus-dieter.liss at gtiit.edu.cn
Wed Mar 21 02:00:50 CET 2018

Magnetic Materials and Magnetism


Message from the Guest Editors: We would like to call for contributions 
to the Special Issue on Magnetic Materials and Magnetism probed by 
state-of-the art quantum beam methods, including neutron, synchrotron, 
muon and positron radiation.

Magnetic materials and the study of magnetism play a vast role in modern 
technology throughout all aspects and fields. Quantum beams play an 
important role in probing for magnetism on the nuclear, atomic, 
crystalline, nano- and microstructural scales. We envisage original 
papers and reviews in the core fields of fundamental and applied solid 
state physics, chemistry and engineering, with extensions into 
interdisciplinary fields, such as biology and Earth sciences.

Quantum Beam Science (ISSN 2412-382X) focuses on application of quantum 
beams for the study and characterization of materials in their widest 
sense, and developments of quantum beam sources, instrumentation and 

Deadline: 30 June 2018

- Rapid Publication First decision time since submission 26 days
- Thorough Peer-Review
- Open Access Unlimited and free access for readers
- Free Publication for well-prepared manuscripts submitted in 2018


*Guest Editors ***
Dr. Robert Georgii,
Technical University of Munich, Germany

Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter-Liss,
Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, China

*QuBS Editorial Office MDPI AG ***St. Alban-Anlage 66 4052 Basel, Switzerland
qubs at mdpi.com
Tel. +41 61 683 77 34 Fax: +41 61 302 89 18

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