[Neutron] UCANS10 Conference, 16-19. October 2023, Budapest

László Bottyán bottyan.laszlo at wigner.hu
Thu Feb 2 10:26:19 CET 2023

Dear Colleagues, 


We are very glad to announce that the 10th annual meeting of the Union for 
Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources (UCANS) will be held

16-19 October, 2023 in Budapest, Hungary,

hosted by Mirrotron Ltd.

UCANS10 topics:

  1. Accelerators and beam optics   
  2. Target development and moderator neutronics   
  3. Neutron detection and neutron optics 
  4. Neutron scattering and material characterization 
  5. Neutron Imaging and analytics 
  6. Nuclear data measurements and evaluation   
  7. Nuclear astrophysics and other neutron applications based on CANS   
  8. Innovative instrumentation   
  9. Medical applications   
  10. Computer simulations and instrument performance  
  11. CANS projects and facility developments 

Further details will follow soon with registration and submission 
to open in February. Please visit the UCANS10 webpage 
( https://ucans10.org ) and sign up to stay updated.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in person in Budapest from 16th to
19th October 2023.

We would very much appreciate if you could kindly disseminate this 
information via your professional channels.

Best wishes,

The Local Organizing Committee of UCANS10 

Ferenc MEZEI, CEO, Mirrotron Ltd., Hungary 
Ákos HORVÁTH, Director General, Centre for Energy Research, Hungary 
László ROSTA, Senior Scientist, Energy Research Centre for Physics,
Rita MEZEI, CEO, Mirrotron Ltd. 
Zsolt LUDÁNYI, Chief Sales Officer, Mirrotron Ltd. 
Péter SIPOS, Site Manager Chief Engineer, Mirrotron Ltd. 
Eszter DIAN, Head of Scientific Services, Mirrotron Ltd. 
Veronika PULAI, Project Assistant, Mirrotron Ltd. 

Mirrotron Ltd.
Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33.
1121 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: 36-1-392-2642
Cell: +36-20-418-6192
Web: mirrotron.com

Email: ucans10 at mirrotron.com 
Meeting web: https://ucans10.org

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