One-day Workshop

Chick Wilson ccw at
Tue Sep 7 21:38:28 CDT 1999

Diffraction with Incident Beam Polarisation on OSIRIS

A workshop to be held Tuesday November 30th 1999 at ISIS, Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory, UK

The long wavelength diffraction component of the OSIRIS Project has been
constructed and is now operational. The next step is to add incident beam
polarisation and this will be established during this winter.

We therefore feel it is timely to hold a meeting to address the
possibilities offered by OSIRIS in the area of neutron diffraction with
polarised incident beams. Our intention in the meeting is to have experts in
the technique describe the possibilities offered by the new instrument, and
experts in the scientific applications describe its potential use. The
underlying aim is to explore the scientific possibilities offered by this
new phase of the instrument, and to identify, alert and listen to the user
base. In this way the instrument will be most likely to be fully utilised
when available.

Among the topics which we may wish to cover are ferromagnets,
paramagnets/dilute magnetic systems, the separation of magnetic from nuclear
scattering, the suppression of incoherent scattering from hydrogenous
samples, etc.  We look forward to an instructive meeting.
For further information contact 
David Martin: D.Martin at; Tel.+44 1235 446157
Chick Wilson: C.C.Wilson at; Tel.+44 1235 445137

or see the Web page:

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