[Neutron] 3rd Annual Neutron Scattering for Novices Workshop, June 17-18, 2013.

Chang-Smith, Meiyun changsmithm at ornl.gov
Tue May 14 17:46:21 CEST 2013

Dear Colleagues,
The Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences (JINS) and the Neutron Sciences Directorate at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) are pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Neutron Scattering for Novices Workshop to be held on June 17-18, 2013. This workshop aims to introduce the capabilities of neutron scattering techniques and sketch the scientific opportunities to scientists with little or no neutron scattering experience. Particularly, those working in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering, and Biology will find the workshop valuable. Faculty members, research scientists, and postdocs are welcome to apply. Senior PhD students may also be considered subject to availability of funds for the workshop. Once accepted, travel and lodging expenses may be reimbursed if the participant is coming from an EPSCoR state. Deadline for Non-US and US citizens without ORNL badge is May 16th and May 31st respectfully.
We would greatly appreciate if you can assist in distributing the information amongst potentially interested scientists at your institution. Further information can be obtained at the website for the workshop http://jins.tennessee.edu/novicesworkshop2013.html.
With thanks from the workshop organizers,
Meiyun Chang-Smith, ORNL/JINS
Mark Dadmun, UTK/JINS

Meiyun Chang-Smith, MA, PhD
Education Manager
Neutron Sciences Directorate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Associate Director for Education
UT/ORNL Joint Institute for NeUTron Sciences

Work: +1 (865) 574-9065
Cell:    +1 (865) 773-4449
Fax:     +1 (865) 576-8631

Email: changsmithm at ornl.gov
Web:   http://neutrons.ornl.gov/education/qcmp/

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